
Multipotent stromal cells in the treatment of acute liver failure after extended hepatectomy in the experiment
Rudakov V.S., Voskanyan S.E., Eremin I.I., Onnitsev I.E., Deev R.V., Naydenov E.V., Eremin P.S., Y.A. Zhgutov 1.1.
Site-specific genome editing for hematopoetic stem cells transplantation-based gene therapy approaches
Lepik K.V., Popova M.O., Shakirova A.I., Sergeev V.S., Potter A.Y., Barkhatov I.M., Fehse B., Afanasyev B.V.
Direct modification of cells using polycation-stabilized silver nanoparticles
Tarasova E.Y., Naumenko E.A., Rozhina E.V., Fakhrullin R.F.
Stimulation of neurogenesis at hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease
Petukhova E.O., Mukhamedshina Y.O., Vasilieva O.Y., Aksenova L.Y., Solovyeva V.V., Garanina E.E., Rizvanov A.A., Zefirov A.L., Islamov R.R., Mukhamedyarov M.A.
The role of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in the realization of the adaptation mechanisms of bone-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells to hypoxia under cultivation with growth factor bFGF
Poleshko A.G., Volotovski I.D.
Technologies of cellular antitumor immune response induction in vitro
Sennikov S.V., Kulikova E.V., Obleukhova I.A., Shevchenko J.A.
Proliferation of cells of the pancreas in experimental diabetes
Kaligin M.S., Titova A.A., Plushkina A.S., Titova M.A., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
The role of pancreatic stellate cells in pancreas regeneration in copper-deficient diet model in rats
Abdulkhakova A.R., Galyavieva A.R., Abdulkhakov S.R., Trondin A.A., Pevnev G.O., Titova M.A., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
Comparative analysis of osteogenic potential of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells derived from oral mucosa and bone marrow
Zorin V.L., Zorina A.I., Eremin I.I., Bozo 1 I.Y., Solovieva E.V., Hromova N.V., Kopnin P.B.
Microglia histogenesis: the history of research
Deev R.V., Dikonenko M.V., Grechanik U.P.
Involvement of transposons in epigenetic regulation of embryogenesis
Mustafin R.N.
Telocytes: localization, structure, functions and significance in pathology
Odintsova I.A., Slutskaya D.R., Berezovskaya T.I.
Comparative study of an activity of rat spinal ganglion cells and PC12 cells on the surfacesmodified with bioadhesive polymers
Yakunina, L.D., Kurbanov, R.A., Bondar, O.V., Abdullin T.I.
Evaluation of the quality and safety of cryopreserved human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells derived from placenta for the clinical use
Astrelina T.A., Gomzyakov A.E., Kobzeva I.V., Karpova E.E., Kruglova A.Y., Scorobogatova E.V., Balashov D.N., Knyazev O.V., Yakovleva M.V.
Evaluation of apoptosis stages and posphatidylserine distribution in membrane of cord and peripheral blood nucleated cells at various cryopreservation protocols
Babijchuk L.A., Mykhailova O.O., Zubov P.M., Ryazantsev V.V.
Cryopreserved multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells stimulate reparative chondrogenesis in degenerated intervertebral disc
Iukhta M.S., Volkova N.A., Zhulikova E.P., Goncharuk E.I.
Polymer-stabilised magnetic nanoparticles do not affect the viability of magnetically-functionalised cells
Dzamukova M.R., Naumenko E.A., Zakirova E.Y., Dzamukov R.A., Shilyagin P.A., Ilinskaya O.N., Fakhrullin R.F.
Effective Transduction of Human Adipose Stromal Cells by a Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus
Shevchenko E.K., Makarevich P.I., Tsokolaeva Z.I., Ratner E.I., Parfionova E.V.
A combination of small molecular inhibitors YAC increases expression levels of DMRT1 in the culture of sertoli cells from the transitional zone of mouse testis
Kulibin A.Y., Malolina E.A.
Introduction to 3D-bioprinting: the history, principles and stages
Khesuani Y.D., Sergeeva N.S., Mironov V.A., Mustafin A.G., Kaprin A.D.
Erythropoietin-mediated activation of functional properties of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with chronic heart failure
Poveshchenko O.V., Bondarenko N.A., Kim I.I., Lykov A.P., Surovtseva M.A., Pokushalov E.A., Romanov A.B., Poveshchenko A.F., Konenkov V.I., Karaskov A.M.
The prospects of creating a pacemaker cardiac tissue using modern technologies
Bayramova S.A., Strelnikov A.G., Romanov A.B., Yakubov A.A., Losik D.V., Pavlova S.V., Agladze K.I., Pokushalov E.A.
Genetically modified human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells as potential stimulators of neuroregeneration in degenerative disorders of central nervous system
Guseva D.S., Rizvanov A.A., Kiyasov A.P., Islamov R.R.
Plant and animal stem cells: two sides of the same medal
Zubov D.A.
Effect of tescalcin overexpression on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Solovyeva V.V., Kolobynina K.G., Gomzikova M.O., Tazetdinova L.G., Zhuravleva M.N., Slepak V.Z., Rizvanov A.A.
Conduit based on poly(ε-caprolactone) filled with fibrin-based hydrogel with mesenchymal stromal cells for peripheral nerve defect reconstitution
Mukhamedshina Y.O., Masgutov R.F., Masgutova G.A., Zuravleva M.N., Shulman A.P., Galieva L.R., Rogozin A.F., Chelyshev Y.A., Rizvanov A.A.
Proliferation and transdifferentiation of endocrinocytes of the rat during experimental diabetes
Kaligin M.S., Mavlikeev M.O., Titova A.A., Plushkina A.S., Titova M.A., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
Cancer stem cells: 20 years behind
Mingaleeva R.N., Miftakhova R.R., Rizvanov A.A.
Structural dynamics of adhesive bone marrow cells in cultivation: first passage (part 2)
Omelianenko N.P., Ilyina V.K., Kovalev A.V., Rodionov S.A.
Related allogeneic cord blood and bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Fanconi anemia: a case report
Shul'ga S.Y., Boyarchuk N.G., Potapov I.V., Skorobogatova E.V., Dyshlevaya Z.M., Donyush E.K., Prihodko A.V., Isaev A.A.
To the 90th year of Alexandr Jakovlevich Friedenstein
Zorin V.L., Zorina A.I.
Tsomartova D.A., Yaglova N.V., Nazimova S.V., Obernikhin S.S., Yaglov V.V.
Regulation of the reserch and development of cellular drugs: the experience of the European Union and the United States
Niyazov R.R., Dranitsyna M.A., Yasny I.E., Gavrishina E.V., Vasiliev A.N.
The effect of cell-mediated delivery of combination VEGF165, GDNF, and NCAM1 genes on molecular and cellular reactions in the spinal cord of pigs with contusion trauma
Davleeva M.A., Bashirov F.V., Izmailov A.A., Fadeev F.O., Sokolov M.E., Markosyan V.A., Garifulin R.R., Kuznetsov M.S., Pakhalina I.A., Minyazeva I.S., Chelyshev Y.A., Islamov R.R.
Evolutionary-histological studies of the doctor of medicine Vera Mikhailovna Danchakova
Rusakova S.E., Odintsova I.A., Slutskaya D.R.
Autologous IL-10-Modified Dendritic Cells in Immune Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis: first analysis of results of clinical studies
Odinak M.M., Chirskiy B.C., Bisaga G.N., Pashchenkov M.V., Baldueva I.A., Moiseenko V.M., Nekhaeva T.P., Kalinina N.M., Davydova N.I., Bychkova N.V., Pozdnyakov A.V., Odinak M., Chirsky V.S., Bisaga G.N., Pashchenkov M.V., Baldueva I.A., Nekhaeva V.T., Kalinina N.M., Davydova N.I., Bychkova N.V., Pozdnyakov A.V.
Transplanted Hepatic Stellate Cells participate in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomywithout risk of hepatic fibrosis
Shafigullina A.K., Gumerova A.A., Trondin A.A., Titova M.A., Gazizov I.M., Burganova G.R., Kaligin M.S., Andreeva D.I., Rizvanov A.A., Muhamedov A.R., Kiassov A.P.
Efficacy and safety of mesenchymal stromal cells of bone marrow in patients with refractory forms Crohn's disease
Knyazev O.V., Parfenov A.I., Shcherbakov P.L., Ruchkina I.N., Khomeriki S.G., Konoplyannikov A.G.
Influence of porous three-dimensional implants from nitinol on culture of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells
Volchkov S.E., Shishkovsky I.V., Bairikov I.M.
Comparative characteristic of immunomodulatory properties of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and fibroblasts
Zafranskaya M.M., Bogdan V.G., Demidchik Y.E., Gain Y.M., Bagatka S.S., Shelkovich S.E., Ivanchik G.I.
Changes of angiogenic properties of adipose derived MMSC in patients with coronary heart disease with age
Efimenko A.Y., Dgoyashvili N.A., Kalinina N.I., Kochegura T.N., Achkurin R.S., Tkachuk V.A., Parfenova E.V.
3D culturing: from individual cells to blastemic tissue (Revisited the phenomenon of epithelial - mesenchymal plasticity)
Saburina I.N., Repin B.C., Saburina I.N., Repin V.
Understanding mechanisms of the umbilical cord-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell-mediated recovery enhancement in rat model of limb ischemia
Arutyunyan I.V., Fatkhudinov T., Elchaninov A.V., Makarov A.V., Vasyukova O., Usman N.Y., Marey M.V., Volodina M.A., Kananykhina E.Y., Lokhonina A.V., Bolshakova G.B., Goldshtein D.V., Sukhikh G.T.
Alcohol and Immunity
Gazatova N.D., Yurova K.A., Gavrilov D.V., Litvinova L.S.
Comparative analysis of efficiency of direct and cell-mediated gene therapy of rats with contusion spinal cord injury
Izmailov A.A., Sokolov M.E., Bashirov F.V., Fadeev F.O., Markosyan V.A., Garifulin R.R., Lisyukov A.N., Kuznetsov M.S., Islamov R.R.
Modern approaches to peripheral nerve regeneration after injury: the prospects of gene and cell therapy
Karagyaur M.N., Makarevich P.I., Shevchenko E.K., Stambolsky D.V., Kalinina N.I., Parfyonova Y.V.
Optimization of teratoma formation assay
Kizilova E.A.
Fascaplysinis a promising agent for the creation of new treatments' methods of glial brain tumors
Bryukhovetskiy I.S., Zhidkov M.E., Kudryavtsev I.V., Polevshikov A.V., Mishchenko P.V., Milkina E.V., Bryukhovetskiy A.S., Zaitsev S.V., Lyahova I.A., Vikhareva V.V., Khotimchenko Y.S.
Application of CRISPR/Cas9 system for developing and studying cellular models of inherited disease
Valetdinova K.R.
Homing and survivability of genetically modified mononuclear umbilical cord blood cells after transplantation into transgenic G93A mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Safiullov Z.Z., Garanina E.E., Izmailov A.A., Garifulin R.R., Fedotova V.Y., Salafutdinov I.I., Rizvanov A.A., Islamov R.R.
Regeneration of rat sciatic nerve using tubulation and allogeneic transplantation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
Masgutov R.F., Masgutova G.A., Rogojin A.A., Zhuravleva M.N., Zakirova E.Y., Nigmetzyanova M.V., Mukhametova L.R., Shulman A.A., Mukhamedshina Y.O., Yafarova G.G., Rizvanov A.A.
Transplantation of allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cell for treating corneal ulcers in cats
Zakirova E.Y., Valeeva A.N., Faizullina R.R., Akhmetshin R.F., Nefedovskaya L.V., Rizvanov A.A.
Development of implantable cell-tissue-engineering designs of auxiliary liver for the treatment of liver failure
Onishchenko N.A., Gulay Y.S., Shagidulin M.Y., Nikolskaya A.O., Bashkina L.V.
Oral mucosais a new source for myoblast derivation
Zorin V.L., Eremin I.I., Rybko V.A., Zorina A.I., Kotenko K.V., Pulin A.A., Kopnin P.B.
Peribiliary glands of biliary tree as a niche of multipotent stem cells
Sharipova E.I., Gazizov I.M., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
Buchvostov A.A., Orlov A.P., Shatalov O.A., Kusnetsov D.A.
Transplantation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells on demineralized bone matrix in treatment of pseudoarthrosis of long bones
Shchepkina E.A., Kruglyakov P.V., Solomin L.N., Zaritsky A.Y., Nazarov V.A., Viyde S.V., Shvedova E.V., Tykhilov R.M., Polyntsev D.G.
CAR-dependent anti-metastatic activity of modified NK cell line YT
Koval O.A., Subrakova V.G., Nushtaeva A.A., Belovezhets T.N., Troitskaya O.A., Ermakov M.S., Varlamov M.E., Chikaev A.N., Kuligina E.V., Kulemzin S.V., Gorchakov A.A., Taranin A.V., Richter V.A.
Neuroglia in rat spinal cord contusion injury with cell-mediated delivery of a combination of VEGF165, GDNF, and NCAM1 genes in combination with epidural electrical stimulation
Fadeev F.O., Bashirov F.V., Izmajlov A.A., Sokolov M.E., Markosyan V.A., Garifulin R.R., Davleeva M.A., Pahalina I.A., Minyazeva I.S., Shevchenko R.V., CHelyshev Y.A., Islamov R.R.
The relationship between myeloid-derived supressor cells and clinico-laboratory parameters in patients with liver cyrrosis
Leplina O.Y., Tikhonova M.A., Tyrinova T.V., Meledina I.V., Zheltova O.I., Ostanin A.A., Chernykh E.R.
State, opportunities and perspectives of development of cell-based technologies: regional aspects
Ryabinin B.E., Ryabinin V.E.
Endogenous secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor by multipotent mesenchymal stromal cellsderived from human third molar dental follicles
Solovyeva V.V., Blatt N.L., Shafigullina A.K., Rizvanov A.A.
The clinical application of autologous mesenchimal stem cells isolated from fat tissue for the treatment of patients with trophic ulcers of lower extremities
Baranov E.V., Tretyak S.I., Vasilevich I.B., Lobanok E.S., Volotovski I.D.
The study of migration of the multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in the body of animal with a tumor
Meleshina A.V., Cherkasov E.I., Sergeeva E.A., Shirmanova M.V., Balalaeva I.V., Kiseleva E.V., Zayganova E.V.
Characteristics of placental multipotent mesenchymal stromal stem cells
Shablii V., Kuchma M., Kyryk V., Onishchenko G., Areshkov P., Skrypnyk N., Lukash L., Lobyntseva G.
Soluble factors formed during the healing of the endometrium suppress its "fibrosis” in vitro
Eremichev R.Y., Grigorieva O.A., Kulebyakin K.Y., Efimenko A.Y., Makarevich P.I.
Therapeutic strategies for targeting cancer stem cells
Alkon N.S., Ivanova A.E., Frolova E.I., Chumakov S.P.
Effects of autologous gingiva-derived cells with myogenic potential on regeneration of skeletal muscle
Korsakov I.N., Samchuk D.P., Pulin A.A., Mavlikeev M.O., Chernova O.N., Titova A.A., Deev R.V., Bozo I.Y., Zorin V.L., Eremin I.I., Denisova O.V., Karpukhina A.S., Gorodkov A.Y., Kotenko K.V., Kopnin P.B.
Influence of the human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells transplantation on regeneration of the rat kidney after unilateral ureteral obstruction
Tabanakova A.V., Yilmaz T.S., Fairushina I.F., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.A.
Genome editing on cell model of the genetic form of Parkinson's disease
Vetchinova A.S., Konovalova E.V., Volchkov P.Y., Abramycheva N.Y., Illarioshkin S.N.
The phenomenon of X chromosome inactivation and human diseases
Shevchenko A.I.
Sheremetieva M.Y., Bukharova T.B., Goldstein D.V.
Expression of myogenesis genes by gingiva derived cells
Samchuk D.P., Lukyanova E.N., Eremin I.I., Zorin V.L., Zorina A.I., Grinakovskaya O.S., Korsakov I.N., Deev R.V., Gilmutdinova I.R., Lazareva N.L., Eremin P.S., Petrikina A.P., Gomzyakov A.E., Timashkov D.A., Vit’ko N.K., Kotenko K.V., Kopnin P.B., Pulin A.A.
Plasticity of bone marrow-derived stromal cells at grafting onto neural tissue after ischemic injury in vitro
Rybachuk O.A., Kyryk V.M., Poberezhnyi P.A., Butenko G.M., Pivneva T.A.
Features of bone tissue regeneration after gunshot fractures of human long bones
Gololobov V.G.
Experience of preserved corneal transplantation for penetrating keratoplasty
Taldaev R.E., Andreeva D.I., Kiassov A.P.
Isolation, analysis and application of authogenic adipose derived multipotential mesenchymal stromal cells from dog for therapy pseudoarthrosis of tibial bone
Zakirova E.Y., Zhuravleva M.N., Masgutov R.F., Usmanov R.A., Rizvanov A.A.
Professor Alexander Maximow: evolution of the ideas
Deev R.V.
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