
Different bone marrow cells autotransplantation influence on morphofunctional state of myocardium after experimental infarction
Davydenko V.V., Matyukov A.A., Tsupkina N.V., Vlasov T.D., Gritsenko V.V., Kuznetsov A.A., Аmineva K.K., Deev R.V., Yalfimov A.N., Pinaev G.P.
Using autologous multipotent mesenchymal stromal bone marrow cells for recovering the thymus and spleen morphofunctional conditions, immune status and for regeneration of lengthy unclosing gastric ulcers
Askarov M.В., Onischenko N.A., Makarova О.V.
An influence of trichostatin a on neuronal differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells
Chistyakova I.A., Galanin I.V., Gaydaenko K.P., Skoromets T.A., Gurchin A.F., Pinaev G.P.
The effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the level of bone marrow progenitor cells in the blood of patients with invasive breast carcinoma
Kaigorodova E.V., Perelmuter V.M., Orehov A.S., Fedulova N.V., Tarabanovskaya N.A., Simolina E.I., Savelieva O.E., Tashireva L.A., Cherdyntseva N.V.
Vybor usloviy induktsii differentsirovki mul'tipotentnykh mezenkhimal'nykh stromal'nykh kletok zhirovoy tkani cheloveka v insulinprodutsiruyushchie kletki in vitro
Petrenko Y.A., Mazur S.P., Grishchuk V.P., Lebedinskiy A.S., Skorobogatova N.G., Bozhok G.A., Blokh K., Vardi P., Petrenko A.Y.
Effects of Dalarginum on proliferation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, dermal fibroblasts, and human osteosarcoma cells in vitro
Vasilyev A.V., Bukharova T.B., Volkov A.V., Vikhrova E.B., Bolshakova G.B., Goldstein D.V.
Kletochnaya terapiya pri travme golovnogo mozga
Grigoryan A.S., Kruglyakov P.V.
The effects of co-culture duration of cord blood cells with adipose tissue-derived stromal cells on hematopoietic precursors> amplification
Andreeva E.R., Andrianova I.V., Gornostaeva A.N., Bobyleva P.I., Balashova E.E., Buravkova L.B.
Sergeeva N.S., Shanskiy Y.D., Sviridova I.K., Kirsanova V.A., Ahmedova S.A., Kuvshinova E.A., Meisner I.S.
Comparison of the effectiveness of available sources of autologous colony-forming endothelial cells
Matveeva V.G., Antonova L.V., Velikanova E.A., Sardin E.S., Barbarash O.L.
Bone marrow stem cells for the critical limb ischemia treatment: biological aspects and clinical application
Orekhov P.Y., Konoplyannikov M., Baklaushev V.P., Kalsin V.A., Averyanov A.V., Konopliannikov A.G., Habazov R.I., Troitskiy A.V.
The models for the study of biological properties of human hematopoietic stem cells
Ustyugov A.Y., Rumyantsev S.A.
Nonwoven polycaprolactone scaffolds for tissue engineering: the choice of the structure and the method of cell seeding
Arutyunyan I.V., Tenchurin T.K., Kananykhina E.Y., Chernikov V.P., Vasyukova O.A., Elchaninov A.V., Makarov A.V., Korshunov A.A., Burov A.A., Podurovskaya Y.L., Chuprynin V.D., Uvarova E.V., Degtyarev D.N., Shepelev A.D., Mamagulashvili V.G., Kamyshinskiy R.A., Krasheninnikov S.V., Chvalun S.N., Fatkhudinov T.K.
Stimulation of rat's sciatic nerve regeneration by transplantation of human adipose derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells
Masgutov R.F., Masgutova G.A., Salafutdinov I.I., Shulman A.A., Zhuravleva M.N., Gallyamov A.R., Bogov A.A., Bogov A.A., Rizvanov A.A.
Tkaneinzhenernyy ekvivalent kosti: metodologicheskie osnovy sozdaniya i biologicheskie svoystva
Deev R.V., Tsupkina N.V., Bozo I.Y., Kaligin M.S., Grebnev A.R., Isaev A.A., Pinaev G.P.
Gingiva as a source of stromal cells with high differentiating and reparative potential
Zorin V.L., Zorina A.I., Eremin I.I., Deev R.V., Kopnin P.B., Volozhin G.A., Pulin A.A.
Expression of pluripotency transcription factors in human third molar tooth germ derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells transfected by plasmid pBud-Sox2-Oct4
Solovyeva V.V., Blatt N.L., Guseva D.S., Yalvac M.E., Sahin F., Islamov R.R., Rizvanov A.A.
Oral mucosais a new source for myoblast derivation
Zorin V.L., Eremin I.I., Rybko V.A., Zorina A.I., Kotenko K.V., Pulin A.A., Kopnin P.B.
Perinatal'nye MSK v kompleksnom lechenii detey s zabolevaniyami pecheni
Degtyareva A.V., Zubkov V.V., Isaeva M.K., Filippova E.A., Albegova M.B., Burov A.A., Dubrovina I.V., Goryunov K.V., Shevtsova Y.A., Silachev D.N., Sukhikh G.T.
New therapeutic strategies for the treatment of metachromatic leukodystrophy
Shaimardanova A.A., Chulpanova D.S., Solovyeva V.V., Mullagulova A.I., Kitaeva K.V., Rizvanov A.A.
Evaluation of the quality and safety of cryopreserved human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells derived from placenta for the clinical use
Astrelina T.A., Gomzyakov A.E., Kobzeva I.V., Karpova E.E., Kruglova A.Y., Scorobogatova E.V., Balashov D.N., Knyazev O.V., Yakovleva M.V.
Multipotent stromal cells in the treatment of acute liver failure after extended hepatectomy in the experiment
Rudakov V.S., Voskanyan S.E., Eremin I.I., Onnitsev I.E., Deev R.V., Naydenov E.V., Eremin P.S., Y.A. Zhgutov 1.1.
Conduit based on poly(ε-caprolactone) filled with fibrin-based hydrogel with mesenchymal stromal cells for peripheral nerve defect reconstitution
Mukhamedshina Y.O., Masgutov R.F., Masgutova G.A., Zuravleva M.N., Shulman A.P., Galieva L.R., Rogozin A.F., Chelyshev Y.A., Rizvanov A.A.
Isolation, analysis and application of authogenic adipose derived multipotential mesenchymal stromal cells from dog for therapy pseudoarthrosis of tibial bone
Zakirova E.Y., Zhuravleva M.N., Masgutov R.F., Usmanov R.A., Rizvanov A.A.
Osobennosti parakrinnogo profilya mul'tipotentnykh mezenkhimal'nykh stromal'nykh kletok v usloviyakh provospalitel'nogo mikrookruzheniya
Gornostaeva A.N., Ratushnyy A.Y., Buravkova L.B.
3D culturing: from individual cells to blastemic tissue (Revisited the phenomenon of epithelial - mesenchymal plasticity)
Saburina I.N., Repin B.C., Saburina I.N., Repin V.
Osteogenic potential of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth before and after cryopreservation
Bukharova T.B., Leonov G.E., Galitsyna E.V., Vasilyev A.V., Vakhrushev I.V., Vikhrova E.B., Makhnach O.V., Goldstein D.V.
Plasticity of bone marrow-derived stromal cells at grafting onto neural tissue after ischemic injury in vitro
Rybachuk O.A., Kyryk V.M., Poberezhnyi P.A., Butenko G.M., Pivneva T.A.
Elimination of PKH26-labeled MMSC after allogeneic transplantation
Arutyunyan I.V., Elchaninov A.V., Fatkhudinov T.H., Makarov A.V., Kananykhina E.Y., Bolshakova G.B., Glinkina V.V., Goldshtein D.V., Sukhikh G.T.
Contribution of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in the tumor microenvironment and carcinogenesis
Tazetdinova L.G., Mullagulova A.I., Solovyeva V.V., Chulpanova D.S., Kitaeva K.V., Rizvanov A.A.
Tissue-engineered construction made of adipose derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, polylactide scaffolds and platelet gel
Buharova T.B., Volkov A.V., Antonov E.N., Vihrova E.B., Popova A.V., Popov V.K., Goldstein D.V.
Different expression of hematopoietic-supporting genes in cord, placental and bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells
Kostjunina V.S., Petyovka N.V., Potapnev M.P.
Podkhod k genoterapii autoimmunnykh zabolevaniy
Makeev O.G., Kostyukova S.V., Korotkov A.V., Antonova S.B.
The role of artificial matrix components used for regenerative medicine in combating periprothetic infection
Yurova K.A., Khaziakhmatova O.G., Malashchenko V.V., Shunkin E.O., Melashchenko E.S., Norkin I.K., Ivanov P.A., Krivosheev V.V., Khlusov I.A., Litvinova L.S.
The use of transplants containing multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells for the repair of the articular surface in experiment
Grigoryan A.S., Deev R.V., Kruglyakov P.V., Bilibina A.A., Sokolova I.B., Pavlichenko N.N., Polyntsev D.G., Grigorian A.S., Deev R.V., Kruglyakov P.V., Bilibina A.A., Sokolova I.B., Pavlichenko N.N., Polyntsev D.G.
Effect of transplantation of allogeneic multipotent mesenchymal bone marrow stromal cells on regeneration of liver after extended hepatectomy (experimental study)
Rudakov V.S., Deev R.V., Gubarev K.K., Astrelina T.A., Eremin I.I., Zhgutov Y.A., Onnitsev E.I., Mavlikeev M.O., Titova A.A., Voskanyan S.E.
Encapsulation of cells and tissues of the pancreas: problems and ways of their overcoming
Shupletsova V.V., Litvinova L.S., Karpov A.A., Korniushyn O.V., Neimark A.E., Sohonevich N.A., Vasilenko M.A., Dora S.V.
The role of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in the realization of the adaptation mechanisms of bone-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells to hypoxia under cultivation with growth factor bFGF
Poleshko A.G., Volotovski I.D.
Experimental study of autologous multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in hepatic cirrhosis treatment
Agaev B.A., Agaev R.M., Popandopulo A.G., Djafarli R.E.
Vnekletochnye vezikuly, poluchennye iz mezenkhimal'nykh stromal'nykh kletok, obespechivayut neyroprotektsiyu putem modulyatsii puti PI3K/AKT i kal'tsievoy ostsilyatsii
Silachev D.N., Turovskiy E.A., Golovicheva V.V., Varlamova E.G., Danilina T.I., Goryunov K.V., Shevtsova Y.A., Pevzner I.B., Zorova L.D., Babenko V.A., Evtushenko E.A., Zharikova A.A., Khutornenko A.A., Koval'chuk S.I., Plotnikov E.Y., Zorov D.B., Sukhikh G.T.
Astrocytes and their participation in the mechanisms of therapeutic action of MSC in ischemic brain injury
Kalinina Y.A., Gilerovich E.G., Korzhevskii D.E.
Analysis of approaches to increase the efficacy of cell therapy based on mesenchymal stromal cells
Potapnev M.P.
Characteristics of placental multipotent mesenchymal stromal stem cells
Shablii V., Kuchma M., Kyryk V., Onishchenko G., Areshkov P., Skrypnyk N., Lukash L., Lobyntseva G.
Understanding mechanisms of the umbilical cord-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cell-mediated recovery enhancement in rat model of limb ischemia
Arutyunyan I.V., Fatkhudinov T., Elchaninov A.V., Makarov A.V., Vasyukova O., Usman N.Y., Marey M.V., Volodina M.A., Kananykhina E.Y., Lokhonina A.V., Bolshakova G.B., Goldshtein D.V., Sukhikh G.T.
Effect of tescalcin overexpression on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Solovyeva V.V., Kolobynina K.G., Gomzikova M.O., Tazetdinova L.G., Zhuravleva M.N., Slepak V.Z., Rizvanov A.A.
Transplantation of allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cell for treating corneal ulcers in cats
Zakirova E.Y., Valeeva A.N., Faizullina R.R., Akhmetshin R.F., Nefedovskaya L.V., Rizvanov A.A.
Comparative analysis of osteogenic potential of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells derived from oral mucosa and bone marrow
Zorin V.L., Zorina A.I., Eremin I.I., Bozo 1 I.Y., Solovieva E.V., Hromova N.V., Kopnin P.B.
Vliyanie gipoksii na okislitel'nye reaktsii fagotsitov v ko-kul'ture s mul'tipotentnymi mezenkhimal'nymi stromal'nymi kletkami
Svirskaya A.V., Yakovleva M.A., Muzychenko B.A., Nizhegorodova D.B.
Rol' shchelevykh kontaktov v polyarizatsii fenotipa mul'tipotentnykh mezenkhimal'nykh stromal'nykh kletok
Ezdakova M.I., Matveeva D.K., Buravkov S.V., Andreeva E.R.
A novel type of a polytetrafluorethylene-based tissue-engineered construction with nanopattered multifunctional biocompatible nonresorbed coating
Grigor'yan A.S., Kiseleva s E.V., Shtanskiy D.V., Filonov M.R., Khamraev T.K., Toporkova A.K., Gastiev A.V., Farkashdi S., Grigoryan A.S., Kiseleva E.V., Filonov M.P., Shtanskij D.V., Khamraev Т.К., Toporkova A.K., Gastiev A.B., Farkashdi S.
Comparative analysis of secretory profile of human mesenchymal stromal cells differentiated in myogenic direction
Samchuk D.P., Pulin A.A., Eremin I.I., Gilmutdinova I.R., Korsakov I.N., Zorin V.L., Zorina A.I., Grinakovskaya O.S., Lazareva N.L., Eremin P.S., Petrikina A.P., Gomzyakov A.E., Deev R.V., Timashkov D.A., Vit'ko N.K., Kotenko K.V., Kopnin P.B.
Umbilical cord-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells: biological properties and clinical applications
Arutyunyan I.V., Makarov A.V., Elchaninov A.V., Fatkhudinov T.K.
Poluchenie mnogokomponentnykh bioiskusstvennykh konstruktsiy pecheni krysy
Dubko A.D., Svirskaya A.V., Yurkevich M.Y., Nizhegorodova D.B., Zafranskaya M.M.
Phenotype and functional properties of adipose derived MMSC after interaction with cord blood mononuclear cells
Bobyleva P.I., Andrianova I.V., Maslova E.V., Andreeva E.R., Gogiya B.S., Buravkova L.B.
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