
Current approaches to the genetic modification of mesenchymal stromal cells to increase their therapeutic efficacy
Limareva L., Gribkova O., Iliasov P., Grischuk Y.
Possible pathways of regener ative strategy in correction of type I diabetes mellitus by methods of cell transplantation
Zakiryanov A., Onishchenko N.
Effectiveness of cell and gene therapy in treatment of obliterating diseases of the arteries in the lower extremities: a review
Ha H., Chervyakov Y., Gavrilenko A.
Efficacy of antitumor vaccines based on photoinduced GL261 glioma cells using photosensitizers from the group of tetra(aryl)tetracyanoporphyrases with different aryl substituents
Redkin T., Sleptsova E., Savyuk M., Kondakova E., Vedunova M., Turubanova V., Krysko D.
Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis: diagnosis, modeling and approaches to therapy
Ponomarev A., Chulpanova D., Shaimardanova A., Rizvanov A., Solovyeva V.
The fate of iPSCs-derived low immunogenic dopaminergic neuron precursors after transplantation into the striatum of rats with 6-OHDA-induced parkinsonism
Voronkov D., Lebedeva O., Stavrovskaya A., Bogomiakova M., Olshanskiy A., Kopylova I., Gushchina A., Simonova A., Ruchko E., Illarioshkin S., Eremeev A., Lagarkova M.
Investigation of the features of immunogenic cell death caused by photodynamic exposure using a photosensitizer from the tetra(aryl)tetracyanoforfirazines group with 9-phenanthrenyl as a side substituent
Sleptsova E., Redkin T., Saviuk M., Kondakova E., Vedunova M., Turubanova V., Krysko D.
Analysis of the results of transplantation of the retinal pigment epithelium in the experiment
Lagarkova M., Katargina L., Izmailova N., Ilyukhin P., Kharitonov A., Utkina O., Neroeva N.
Prospects for the use of gene and cell therapy for the treatment of muscular dystrophy
Sukach A.
Postinfarction cellular regeneration therapy of the heart muscle
Kurtova A., Zueva E., Nemkov A.
Gene and cell therapy of retinal diseases
Maximov V., Lagarkova M., Kiselev S.
Geneand cell-based therapy of muscle system hereditary disorders: state-of-art
Deev R., Mavlikeev M., Bozo I., Pulin A., Eremin I.
Prospects of increasing the effectiveness of cardio-vascular gene and cell therapy: genetically modified cells
Shevchenko E., Talitskiy A., Parfenova E., Shevchenko E., Talitskiy A., Parfyonova Y.
The prospects of creating a pacemaker cardiac tissue using modern technologies
Bayramova S., Strelnikov A., Romanov A., Yakubov A., Losik D., Pavlova S., Agladze K., Pokushalov E.
Gene and stem-cell therapy for neurodegenerative diseases
Islamov R., Rizvanov А., Guseva D., Kiasov A.
Regenerative technologies in treatment of diabetic foot ulcers
Kalinin R., Suchkov I., Mzhavanadze N., Krylov A., Isaev A., Plaksa I., Deev R.
Modern approaches to peripheral nerve regeneration after injury: the prospects of gene and cell therapy
Karagyaur M., Makarevich P., Shevchenko E., Stambolsky D., Kalinina N., Parfyonova Y.
Regulatory considirations for cellular products development: how to accelerate the marketing authorisation in Russia and EAEU
Niyazov R., Deev R., Dranitsyna M., Yasniy I., Gavrishina E., Vasiliev A.
Regulation of the reserch and development of cellular drugs: the experience of the European Union and the United States
Niyazov R., Dranitsyna M., Yasny I., Gavrishina E., Vasiliev A.
Effektivnost' primeneniya neyrotrofina-3 pri sovmestnoy transplantatsii s kletkami obonyatel'noy vystilki v posttravmaticheskie kisty spinnogo mozga
Stepanova O., Voronova A., Chadin A., Fursa G., Karsuntseva E., Valikhov M., Semkina A., Reshetov I., Chekhonin V.
Ranevye pokrytiya: otsenka vozmozhnosti primeneniya pri kletochnoy terapii
Kobyakova I., Egorikhina M., Aleynik D., Rubtsova Y., Charykova I., Lin'kova D.
Cryopreserved multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells stimulate reparative chondrogenesis in degenerated intervertebral disc
Iukhta M., Volkova N., Zhulikova E., Goncharuk E.
Kletochnaya terapiya pri travme golovnogo mozga
Grigoryan A., Kruglyakov P.
Legal regulation of biomedical cell products authorization and marketing in international practice
Aleksandrushkina N., Tarasova E., Makarevich P., Gabbasova L., Akopyan Z., Kamalov A., Tkachuk V.
Cell therapy of osteogenesis imperfecta
Sergeev V., Tichonenko T., Buklaev D., Baindurashvili A., Afanasiev B.
Transplantation of cell sheets from adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells effectively induces angiogenesis in ischemic skeletal muscle
Makarevich P., Boldyreva M., Dergilev K., Gluhanyuk E., Gallinger J., Efimenko A., Tkachuk V., Parfyonova Y.
Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya reprogrammirovanykh CD8+ T-limfotsitov v lechenii melkokletochnogo raka legkogo
Skurikhin E., Zhukova M., Dygay A.
Personalized cell-based therapy in ophthalmology. III. Clinical efficacy in the treatment of corneal endothelial diseases
Avetisov S., Kasparova E., Kasparov A., Subbot A., Antohin A., Pavliuk A., Fadeeva L., Feofanov S.
Adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction as an alternative source of cells for the regenerative medicine
Veremeev Ä., Bolgarin R., Petkova M., Katz N., Nesterenko V.
Primenenie mezenkhimnykh stromal'nykh kletok cheloveka v rekonstruktsii golosovykh skladok
Svistushkin M., Bakulina A., Starostina S., Shekhter A., Shpichka A., Fayzullin A., Zolotova A., Nikiforova A., Svistushkin V., Timashev P.
Next-generation immunotherapy: regulatory T-cells
Churov A., Novitskaya A., Zhulai G.
Analysis of regenerative medicine products market
Korsakov I., Nadelyaeva I., Eremin I., Pulin A., Kotenko K., Zorin V.
Sheremetieva M., Bukharova T., Goldstein D.
Autologous dermal fibroblasts stimulate regeneration of degenerative Achilles tendon
Volkova N., Yukhta M., Blonskiy R., Kostrub A., Goltsev A.
Bisaga G., Chirsky V., Baldueva I., Nechaeva T.
Terapiya kriokonservirovannymi mononuklearnymi kletkami pupovinnoy krovi cheloveka travmy spinnogo mozga v ostrom periode: eksperiment i klinika
Bazanovich S., Zvyagintseva M., Morozova Y., Radaev S., Smirnov V., Grin' A., Ryabov S.
Safety and effectiveness evaluation of the injection transplantation method of human pacemaker cardiomyocyte derived from induced pluripotent stem cells
Ponomarenko A., Chepeleva E., Pavlova S., Romanov A., Strelnikov A., Sergeevichev D., Pokushalov E.
Otsenka effektivnosti terapii kriokonservirovannymi mononuklearnymi kletkami pupovinnoy krovi cheloveka travmy spinnogo mozga u krys v ostrom periode
Bazanovich S., Zvyagintseva M., Morozova Y., Radaev S., Smirnov V., Grin' A., Ryabov S.
Stem cell therapy of heart failure: clinical trials, problems and perspectives
Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., Parfenova E., Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., V E.
Directed myogenic reprogramming of differentiated cells
Indeikin F., Mavlikeev M., Deev R.
Autologous IL-10-Modified Dendritic Cells in Immune Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis: first analysis of results of clinical studies
Odinak M., Chirskiy B., Bisaga G., Pashchenkov M., Baldueva I., Moiseenko V., Nekhaeva T., Kalinina N., Davydova N., Bychkova N., Pozdnyakov A., Odinak M., Chirsky V., Bisaga G., Pashchenkov M., Baldueva I., Nekhaeva V., Kalinina N., Davydova N., Bychkova N., Pozdnyakov A.
Ispol'zovanie sistemnoy transplantatsii «kardiomioblastov», poluchennykh iz mezenkhimal'nykh stvolovykh kletok autogennogo kostnogo mozga, pri kompleksnoy terapii bol'nykh s khronicheskoy serdechnoy nedostatochnost'yu
Tsyb A., A G., Kaplan M., Popovkina O., Lepekhina L., Kal'sina S., Semenkova I., Agaeva E., Danilenko A.
Bone marrow stem cells for the critical limb ischemia treatment: biological aspects and clinical application
Orekhov P., Konoplyannikov M., Baklaushev V., Kalsin V., Averyanov A., Konopliannikov A., Habazov R., Troitskiy A.
Stimulation of rat's sciatic nerve regeneration by transplantation of human adipose derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells
Masgutov R., Masgutova G., Salafutdinov I., Shulman A., Zhuravleva M., Gallyamov A., Bogov A., Bogov A., Rizvanov A.
Primenenie neyrotroficheskogo faktora mozga dlya uluchsheniya podvizhnosti zadnikh konechnostey krys pri travmakh spinnogo mozga
Fursa G., SAndretsova S., Stepanova O., Chadin A., Voronova A., Karsuntseva E., Semkina A., Sosnovtseva A., Reshetov I., Chekhonin V.
Reparativnyy potentsial M2 makrofagov, polyarizovannykh v rezul'tate efferotsitoza
Maksimova A., Shevela E., Sakhno L., Ostanin A., Chernykh E.
Nonmyeloablative bone marrow cells transplantation restores dystrophin synthesis in the muscles of MDX mice
Sokolova A., Timonina N., Kravtsova V., Krivoi I., Skripkina N., Kaminskaia E., Mikhailov V.
Comparative proteome mapping of tumor stem cells isolated from U87 glioblastoma, neural stem and multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells of a human: from cataloguing of cell proteins to novel paradigm of proteome-based cell therapy of tumors
Bryukhovetskiy A., Shevchenko V., Chekhonin V., Bryukhovetskiy I., Kovalev S., Baklaushev V., Davydov M.
Korrektsiya orientirovochno-issledovatel'skogo defitsita u krys s pomoshch'yu mul'tipotentnykh mezenkhimal'nykh stromal'nykh kletok
Sokolova I., Fedotova O., Gilerovich E., Bilibina A., Pavlichenko N., Kruglyakov P., Polyntsev D.
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