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编号 1 (2006)



Dear colleagues! (№1, 2006 г.)

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):3-3
pages 3-3 views

Opinions of experts (№1, 2006 г.)

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Cell technology

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Are there tissue-specific bone marrow stem cells?

Pospelov A.
Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):20-21
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Creation of functional breast tissue from a single stem cell

Melikhova V.
Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):21-22
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Creating an in vitro anal sphincter model

Volkov A.
Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):27-27
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Creating the equivalent of the lung parenchyma

Volkov A.
Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):27-28
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Comparative genomic study of cloned and normal embryos

Lopatina T.
Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):35-36
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The use of cord blood as an alternative to donor transfusions in neonatology

Fedorova T., Appalup M.


The review presents current data on the production and use of cord blood stem cells in neonatology.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Prospects for the use of cord blood cells for the treatment of non-hematological diseases

Bersenev A.


The review is devoted to the search for new [non-hematopoietic] stem and progenitor cell populations of human umbilical cord blood, the possibilities of their isolation and therapeutic use. For convenience, the review is divided into several chapters, at the end of each of which there is a separate list of references.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):42-42
pages 42-42 views

Нейрональная дифференцировка и применение клеток ПК в неврологии

Bersenev A.


The review is devoted to the search for new [non-hematopoietic] stem and progenitor cell populations of human umbilical cord blood, the possibilities of their isolation and therapeutic use. For convenience, the review is divided into several chapters, at the end of each of which there is a separate list of references.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Differentiation of PC cells into hepatocytes and liver repopulation

Bersenev A.


The review is devoted to the search for new [non-hematopoietic] stem and progenitor cell populations of human umbilical cord blood, the possibilities of their isolation and therapeutic use. For convenience, the review is divided into several chapters, at the end of each of which there is a separate list of references.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Experimental models for the treatment of diseases with unclear or predominantly autoimmune pathogenesis

Bersenev A.


The review is devoted to the search for new [non-hematopoietic] stem and progenitor cell populations of human umbilical cord blood, the possibilities of their isolation and therapeutic use. For convenience, the review is divided into several chapters, at the end of each of which there is a separate list of references.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):46-47
pages 46-47 views

Therapeutic angiogenesis

Bersenev A.


The review is devoted to the search for new [non-hematopoietic] stem and progenitor cell populations of human umbilical cord blood, the possibilities of their isolation and therapeutic use. For convenience, the review is divided into several chapters, at the end of each of which there is a separate list of references.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):47-48
pages 47-48 views

Transplantation of two HLA-compatible umbilical cord blood units as a modern approach to solving the problem of a small number of cells and an alternative to allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in leukemia in adult patients

Bersenev A.


Umbilical cord blood cell transplantation [PC], as an alternative to unrelated bone marrow transplantation [TCM], has already firmly taken its place in oncohematology. The main advantages of PC transplantation, in comparison with TCM, include a lower incidence of the "graft-versus-host reaction" [GVHD] and a more liberal approach to the degree of HLA compatibility of the graft with an equal post-transplant prognosis, however, with PC transplantation, a lower engraftment and an increased likelihood of recurrence are noted [1,2].

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):49-51
pages 49-51 views

Original Study Articles

Development of optimal methods of cryopreservation of human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic cells for transplantation

Grishina V.


The purpose of this study was to develop a method for collecting, fractionating cord blood and cryopreservation of hematopoietic stem cells. A method of collecting umbilical cord blood in a built-in Fenwal, Baxter container has been worked out. A method of cord blood fractionation using polyglucine has been developed. The technique of cryopreservation of hematopoietic stem cells using a 5% DMSO solution in combination with polyglucine and freezing in liquid nitrogen vapor at a constant cooling rate has been developed. A computer database has been created and tested to store information about cord blood samples. The developed techniques can be successfully applied for harvesting, long-term storage of hematopoietic cord blood stem cells with subsequent transplantation to patients suffering from oncological diseases.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):52-59
pages 52-59 views

Identification of technological and prognostic factors determining the quality of umbilical cord blood stem cell samples

Vysochin I., Isaev A., Lagarkova M., Kosmiadi G., Kiselyov S.


The dependence of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of hematopoietic stem cell samples isolated from umbilical cord blood on technological and prognostic factors is shown.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):60-62
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Our experience in harvesting, testing and storage of hematopoietic cord blood cells

Abdulkadyrov K., Romanenko N., Selivanov E.


The last two decades in biology and medicine have been marked by an increased interest in the study of human stem cells: their cultivation in vitro, determination of their ability to divide and specialize, application in clinical medicine for the treatment of certain fatal diseases, such as solid tumors, acute and chronic leukemia, aplastic anemia, hereditary metabolic disorders and the immune system, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, strokes, spinal cord injuries, myocardial pathology and others. The source of stem cells can be bone marrow, stimulated peripheral hematopoietic cells, adipose tissue, epithelial cells of the nasopharyngeal mucosa in the "olfactory epithelium", placental [umbilical] blood, placenta. Obtaining stem cells from the first four sources is somewhat difficult due to the need for surgical intervention and the use of anesthesia. Umbilical cord blood [PC] is collected without risk to the newborn and his mother. Therefore, in the article we want to dwell in detail on one of the stages of preclinical use of placental blood, share our experience in harvesting, laboratory testing and storage of stem cells.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):63-65
pages 63-65 views

Quantitative accounting of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells in whole cord blood

Kurtova A., Zueva E.


Umbilical cord blood is an alternative source of hematopoietic stem cells to bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood [HSC]. The population of CD34" cells in umbilical cord blood is small, which creates certain difficulties in carrying out quantitative accounting of HSC. This article discusses some practical aspects of determining CD34" HSC in whole cord blood. A preliminary assessment of the amount of HSC in the samples before the start of preparation for long-term storage may become an additional selection criterion when receiving cord blood in non-commercial anonymous banks.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):66-71
pages 66-71 views

Analysis of laboratory screening for cord blood banking

Tyumina O., Gusarova G., Pavlov V., Zharkov M., Volchkov S., Toropovsky A., Krasnova N., Nizhegorodtseva I., Rossiev V., Savchenko V.


The purpose of the study is to analyze laboratory screening for the presence of infectious agents in the procurement of cord blood for public use. We examined 586 donor PC samples by immuno-enzyme analysis in the first 24 hours after delivery for the presence of the following serological markers: NiѴ-1 and-2 Ag/Ab, Anti-HBcor, HBS-Ag, Anti-HCV, Anti-CMV, Anti-Toxoplasma gondii, Anti-HSV-1 and -2, RW, bacteriological examination of PC samples was also carried out. It was found that 73 [12.5%] PC samples were disposed of due to infectious danger. Of these, a positive analysis for HBs-Ag was detected in 3 samples [0.5%]; Anti-HCV - in 5 samples [0.9%]; RW — in 6 samples [1%]; Anti-HBcor - in 59 samples [1O%]. The percentage of germination of microbial contaminants was 0.1%. Thus, in order to reduce the percentage of PC samples disposal, an Anti-HBcor analysis should be included in the mandatory laboratory screening of female PC donors. The use of closed methods of blood sampling and processing, as well as ready-made universal media, allows virtually eliminating the possibility of contamination of PC samples with aerial flora.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):72-73
pages 72-73 views

Preclinical study of the domestic cord blood stem cell drug "Cryocel"

Surkov K., Belova L., Krasniakov V.


The article presents the results of studying the effect of the domestic drug Cryocell on the course of ischemic stroke and acute myocardial infarction in an experiment.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Clinical experience

Experience of using a combination of umbilical cord and peripheral blood stem cells from partially compatible related donors in a patient with stage IV neuroblastoma

Dolgopolov I., Subbotina N., Boyarshinov V., Isaev A., Andreeva L., Demidova I., Ravshanova R., Mentkevich G.


Over the past two decades, umbilical cord blood has been recognized as a full-fledged and equal source of hematopoietic stem cells along with bone marrow and peripheral blood. The first transplantation of umbilical cord blood cells from sibling, carried out in 1988 to a child with Fanconi anemia, allowed not only to expand the indications for transplantation, but also deepened our knowledge of the basics of hematopoiesis and the principles of the formation of posttransplantation immunity. An important step was the creation of cord blood banks around the world, which increased the likelihood of finding a suitable donor, and, consequently, had a positive effect on transplant activity. The advantages of cord blood cells are the relative ease of obtaining, high proliferative potential and the "naivety" of the immune system of the transplant. The problems are the small volume and low cellularity of the obtained material, which leads to a delayed recovery of hematopoiesis after transplantation, significantly increases the duration of the patient's stay in the hospital and the need for transfusion of blood products. Attempts are being made to overcome adverse factors by simultaneous transplantation of mesenchymal cells and umbilical cord blood or sequential transplantation of several umbilical cord blood samples from different donors. We present a description of a case of sequential transplantation of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic cells and peripheral stem cells from a related partially compatible donor to a patient with stage IV neuroblastoma.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):78-79
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The use of umbilical cord blood during allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in children with malignant and non-malignant diseases of the blood system

Trakhtman P., Balashov D., Shchipitsyna I., Blagonravova O., Dyshleva Z., Skorobogatova E., Kournikova E., Maschan A., Rumyantsev A.


Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation [HSCT] is currently a generally accepted method of treating a significant number of oncological and non-malignant diseases. Every year the number of HSCs is increasing, and the list of pathologies that can be cured using this technique is also growing. Unfortunately, the probability of detecting an HLA-compatible related donor in the standard population does not exceed 25-30%. Despite the fact that the number of potential voluntary bone marrow donors included in international registries currently exceeds 9 million people, the probability of finding an HLA-identical unrelated donor for a patient belonging to the Caucasian race is 50-80%, while the time required for unrelated transplantation often exceeds 3-4 months [1]. To date, the level of early mortality in recipients of allogeneic HSCT is unacceptably high, which is associated with both the visceral toxicity of therapy [idiopathic pneumonitis, veno-occlusive liver disease] and with a variety of infections developing as a result of severe immunosuppression. In addition, allogeneic transplantation [primarily unrelated] is associated with a significant probability of developing a severe acute "graft-versus-host reaction" [oRTPH], which is the main cause of death of patients after HSCT.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):80-83
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Discussion and general theoretical works

Preservation of umbilical cord blood in Ukraine: state and prospects

Komar I., Samus N., Bakhantsova N.


The article presents up-to-date data on the state of the umbilical cord blood preservation service in Ukraine.

Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):84-87
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Genes and Cells. 2006;(1):108-109
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