
Comparative analysis of the regenerative potential of blood derivatives on a cell model of corneal stromal injury
Subbot A.M., Kasparova E.A., Krivolapova D.A.
Mitochondrial respiration of a primary mixed culture of neurons from hippocampus at various stages of differentiation
Zelentsova A.S., Borisova A.Y., Shmigerova V.S., Skorkina M.Y., Deykin A.V.
Lipopolysaccharide-induced model of inflammation in cells culture
Islaev A.A., Chibirova T.T., Takoeva E.A., Kokaev R.I.
Isolation and culturing of chondrocytes from different sources
Кym I.I.
Experimental approaches to prove the usage of fibroblast-based cellular compositions in dermatocosmetology
Ozerskaya O.S., Shchegolev V.V.
Possibility of application primary cell culture of kidney newborn rabbits in vaccines production
Glagoleva I.S., Plotnikova E.M.
Using organotypic cultures of the retina as a model for studying migratory activity of transplanted cells
Semen M.L., Sergeev S.A., Saburina I.N., Kosheleva N.V., Semenova M.L., Sergeev S.A., Saburina I.N., Koscheleva N.V.
A comparative analysis of cultivation techniques of epithelial stem cells of cornea and creation of biomedical cell product (biocomposite) on the basis biocompatible matrix and stem cells
Kvacheva Z.B., Vasilevich I.B., Chekina A.Y., Marchenko L.N., Dzhumova M.F., Pinchuk C.V., Fedulov A.S., Volotovski I.D.
The obtaining and characterization new soft tissue sarcoma and osteogenic sarcoma cell lines for translational research
Avdonkina N.A., Danilova A.B., Misyurin V.A., Prosekina E.A., Emelyanova N.V., Nekhaeva T.L., Skachkova O.V., Novik A.V., Pipia N.P., Gafton G.I., Levchenko E.V., Belyaev A.M., Baldueva I.A.
Application of cell and tissue cultures for potential anti-cancer/oncology drugs screening in vitro
Mingaleeva R.N., Solovieva V.V., Blatt N.L., Rizvanov A.A.
The effect of the cell-free matrix of the human umbilical cord on the growth dynamics and viability of cultured human and animal cells ex vivo
Kalyuzhnaya L.I., Sokolova M.O., Chernov V.E., Zemlyanoy D.A., Chebotarev S.V., Chalisova N.I., Kondratenko A.A., Grechanaya Y.S., Edomenko N.V., Alexander-Sinclair E.I.
Supravital lanthanoid staining for scanning electron microscopy of biological objects
Novikov I.A., Subbot A.M., Fedorov A.A., Griboedova I.G., Antonov E.N., Vakhrushev I.V.
Life without water: cryptobiosis of invertebrates as a model for next generation techmologyof biomaterials preservation
Shagimardanova, E.I., Sharipova, M.R., Rizvanov, A.A., Zaharov, I.S., Gusev O.A.
3D culturing: from individual cells to blastemic tissue (Revisited the phenomenon of epithelial - mesenchymal plasticity)
Saburina I.N., Repin B.C., Saburina I.N., Repin V.
Establishment of breast carcinoma cell lines
Mogilenskikh A.S., Sazonov S.V.
Model of optical biopacemaker based on integration of photosensitive cardiomyocytes into cardiac culture
Balashov V.A., Nizamieva A.A., Tsvelaya V.A., Agladze K.I.
Biosafety model of adenovirus infection: effects of bacterial proteases for infection of human cells in vitro
Martinova E.V., Danilova Y.V., Anohin V.A., Khaiboullina S.F., Rizvanov A.A., Sharipova M.R.
Analyis of biological compatibility of polylactide nanofibrous matrix vitalized with cardiac fibroblasts in a porcine model
Chepeleva E.V., Balashov V.A., Dokuchaeva A.A., Korobejnikov A.A., Strelnikov A.G., Lependin S.O., Pavlova S.V., Agladze K.I., Sergeevichev D.S., Pokushalov E.A.
Comparative analysis of the regeneratory potential of blood derivatives on a cell model of corneal epithelium damage
Subbot A.M., Trufanov S.V., Shakhbazyan N.P.
Gene transfer using new complexes between cardiolipin-like dicationic lipids and plasmid DNA to tumor cells
Zhdanov R.I., Moskovtsev A.A., Blokhin D.Y., Doynikova A.N., Shakirova R.I., Sebyakin Y.L.
1 - 20 of 20 Items

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