
The hipotises of the immune system's role in carcinogenesis
Slepov Y.K., Laushkin M.A., Deev R.V.
Fadeyev F.A., Ulitko M.V., Lugovets D.V., Leontyev S.L., Sazonov S.V.
Effect of Pluronic Р85 on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
Blatt N., Yalvach M.E., Shafigullina A.K., Salafutdinov I.I., Kiyasov A.L., Masgutov R.F., Shtyrlin Y., Kabanov A.V., Rizvanov A.A., Blatt N.L., Yalvac M., Shafigullina A.K., Salafutdinov I.I., Kiyasov A.P., Masgutov R.E., Shtirlin Y.G., Kabanov A.V., Rizvanov A.A.
Povyshenie effektivnosti zaseleniya biodegradiruemykh matriksov stromal'nymi i epitelial'nymi kletkami pri dinamicheskom kul'tivirovanii
Lyundup A.V., Demchenko A.G., Tenchurin T.H., Krasheninnikov M.E., Klabukov I.D., Shepelev A.D., Mamagulashvili V.G., Oganesyan R.V., Orehov A.S., Chvalun S.N., Dyuzheva T.G.
The adoption of expansion strategies of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells from patients with heart failure and co-morbidities
Dmitrieva R.I., Klukina M.A., Minullina I.R., Anisimov S.V., Zaritskey A.Y.
The dependence of proliferation rate of human dermal fibroblasts on growth medium composition and fetal bovine serum concentration
Fadeyev F.A., Lugovets D.V., Ulitko M.V., Leontyev S.L., Sazonov S.V.
Comparative characteristic of immunomodulatory properties of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and fibroblasts
Zafranskaya M.M., Bogdan V.G., Demidchik Y.E., Gain Y.M., Bagatka S.S., Shelkovich S.E., Ivanchik G.I.
Proliferation and transdifferentiation of endocrinocytes of the rat during experimental diabetes
Kaligin M.S., Mavlikeev M.O., Titova A.A., Plushkina A.S., Titova M.A., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
Regulation of hepatocyte proliferation after subtotal liver resection in rats
Elchaninov A.V., Makarov A.V., Vorobieva I.G., Kananykhina E.Y., Lokhonina A.V., Bolshakova G.B., Glinkina V.V., Goldshtein D.V., Fatkhudinov T.K.
The effects of the male sex hormone (testosterone) on the functional activity of T-lymphocytes different degrees of differentiation
Shupletsova V.V., Khaziakhmatova O.G., Gutsol A.A., Sokhonevich N.A., Yurova K.A., Litvinova L.S.
Proliferative processes and features of tumor cell receptor apparatus of the breast carcinoma
Sazonov S.V., Brilliant A.A., Brilliant Y.M.
Effects of Dalarginum on proliferation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, dermal fibroblasts, and human osteosarcoma cells in vitro
Vasilyev A.V., Bukharova T.B., Volkov A.V., Vikhrova E.B., Bolshakova G.B., Goldstein D.V.
The effect of TiO2 nanotubes layered on surfaces of titanium to be used in implantology on the proliferative and secretory activity of fibroblasts
Fadeyev F.A., Khrunyk Y.Y., Belikov S.V., Lugovets D.V., Gubaeva O.V., Leontyev S.L., Sazonov S.V., Popov A.A.
Modification of biodegradable fibrous scaffolds with Epidermal Growth Factor by emulsion electrospinning for promotion of epithelial cells proliferation
Tenchurin T.H., Lyundup A.V., Demchenko A.G., Krasheninnikov M.E., Balyasin M.V., Klabukov I.D., Shepelev A.D., Mamagulashvili V.G., Orehov A.S., Chvalun S.N., Dyuzheva T.G.
Proliferation of cells of the pancreas in experimental diabetes
Kaligin M.S., Titova A.A., Plushkina A.S., Titova M.A., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
A comparative analysis of cultivation techniques of epithelial stem cells of cornea and creation of biomedical cell product (biocomposite) on the basis biocompatible matrix and stem cells
Kvacheva Z.B., Vasilevich I.B., Chekina A.Y., Marchenko L.N., Dzhumova M.F., Pinchuk C.V., Fedulov A.S., Volotovski I.D.
Cytotoxic activity of T-2 toxin for a immortalized of cattle fetal lung epithelium cells
Idiyatov I.I., Valiullin L.R., Biryulya V.V., Shangaraev N.G., Raginov I.S., Tremasov M.I., Lekishvili M.V., Nikitin A.I.
Proliferative and differentiation potential of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in the presence of platelet lysate
Rogulska O.Y., Revenko O.Б., Petrenko Y.A., Petrenko A.Y.
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