
The role of polymorphic variants of the ERCC2 excision repair gene in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer in women of different ethnic origins
Valova Y., Mingazheva E., Prokofieva D., Andreeva E., Nurgalieva A., Ekomasova N., Khusnutdinova E.
Proliferative activity of cancer stem cells in the prognosis of hematogenous metastasis of colon adenocarcinoma
Erokhina A., Chirsky V., Maistrenko N., Sazonov A., Grigorev S.
Cancer stem cells: 20 years behind
Mingaleeva R., Miftakhova R., Rizvanov A.
Therapeutic strategies for targeting cancer stem cells
Alkon N., Ivanova A., Frolova E., Chumakov S.
The optimization of methods for the establishment of heterogeneous three-dimensional cellular models of breast cancer
Abdurakhmanova M., Ermakov M., Richter V., Koval O., Nushtaeva A.
Features of obtaining and prospects for the use of colorectal tumor organoids
Krasnova M., Efremova A., Bukharova T., Kashirskaya N., Tsukanov A., Gorban N., Mikhaylenko D., Strelnikov V., Goldshtein D.
The influence of P2-receptors on the cytotoxic effect of cisplatine in squamous cell uterine cervix cancer in vitro
Raginov I., Muhamedyarova G., Panov A.
Tissue regeneration and cancer: inflammation in common
Lopatina T., Koni M., Sarcinella A., Brizzi M.
Recovery options of reproductive function of cancer patients due to transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue
Abakushina E., Otoi T., Kaprin A.
Mnikhovich M., Bezuglova T., Kaktursky L., Bunkov K., Tuchkova A., Trifonov M., Mishina E.
Efficiency and mechanism of antitumor activity of cardiolipin-like lipid/thymidine kinase gene HSV-tklipoplexes in the presence of gancyclovir
Moskovtsev A., Sokolovskaya A., Ibragimova M., Dojnikova A., Sebyakin U., Zhdanov R.
Reserve and basal cells of epithelia of cervix uteri as a source of cervical neoplasies by human papilloma viruses
Ershov V., Mikhailov V., Chirsky V.
Stem cells in carcinogenesis of glioblastoma multiforme
Bryukhovetskyi I., Bryukhovetskyia A., Kumeiko V., Mischenko P., Khotimchenko Y.
Buchvostov A., Orlov A., Shatalov O., Kusnetsov D.
The effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the level of bone marrow progenitor cells in the blood of patients with invasive breast carcinoma
Kaigorodova E., Perelmuter V., Orehov A., Fedulova N., Tarabanovskaya N., Simolina E., Savelieva O., Tashireva L., Cherdyntseva N.
Role of autophagy in response of epithelial ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin treatment and cisplatin resistance
Mazitova A., Topchu I., Mingazova L., Biktagirova E., Abramova Z., Gabbasov R.
Proliferative processes and features of tumor cell receptor apparatus of the breast carcinoma
Sazonov S., Brilliant A., Brilliant Y.
Genomic instability of lymphocytes in patients with lung cancer with combined ischemic heart disease
Asanov M., Sinitsky M., Ponasenko A., Minina V.
Antitumor effect of hybrid nanocomplexes containing nanoparticles of orthovanadates rare earth elements and cholesterol
Goltsev A., Babenko N., Gaevskaya Y., Chelombytko O., Bondarovich N., Dubrava T., Ostankov M., Dimitrov A., Klochkov V., Kavok N., Malyukin Y.
Features of cytokine production in tumor associated with metastasis and basal cell hyperplasia of bronchial epithelium in non-small cell lung cancer
Pismenny D., Durova A., Krahmal' N., Stepanov I., Rodionov E., Eryomin V., Andryuhova E., Savelieva O., Zavyalova M., Pankova O., Tashireva L., Vtorushin S., Miller S., Tuzikov S., Perelmuter V.
Technologies of cellular antitumor immune response induction in vitro
Sennikov S., Kulikova E., Obleukhova I., Shevchenko J.
Expression profile of the microenvironment of morphological structures in luminal breast cancer
Tashireva L., Gerashchenko T., Zolotareva S., Perelmuter V.
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