
Possible pathways of regener ative strategy in correction of type I diabetes mellitus by methods of cell transplantation
Zakiryanov A., Onishchenko N.
IL-10 cytokine family secretion is associated with the activity of mitophagy components in visceral adipose tissue in obese with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus
Shunkina D., Dakhnevich A., Komar A., Vulf M., Shunkin E., Gazatova N., Kirienkova E., Todosenko N., Malakhova Z., Litvinova L.
Vybor usloviy induktsii differentsirovki mul'tipotentnykh mezenkhimal'nykh stromal'nykh kletok zhirovoy tkani cheloveka v insulinprodutsiruyushchie kletki in vitro
Petrenko Y., Mazur S., Grishchuk V., Lebedinskiy A., Skorobogatova N., Bozhok G., Blokh K., Vardi P., Petrenko A.
C-kit and desmin-positive cells in expression in islets of pancreas during alloxan diabetes in rats
Kaligin M., Plushkina A., Titova A., Titova M., Gumerova A., Kiassov A.
Sheremetieva M., Bukharova T., Goldstein D.
Encapsulation of cells and tissues of the pancreas: problems and ways of their overcoming
Shupletsova V., Litvinova L., Karpov A., Korniushyn O., Neimark A., Sohonevich N., Vasilenko M., Dora S.
Proliferation and transdifferentiation of endocrinocytes of the rat during experimental diabetes
Kaligin M., Mavlikeev M., Titova A., Plushkina A., Titova M., Gumerova A., Kiassov A.
Distantnoe vozdeystvie progenitornykh i zrelykh kletok bol'shogo sal'nika patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa na zdorovye kletki podkozhnoy zhirovoy tkani
Stafeev Y., Michurina S., Agareva M., Zubkova E., Sklyanik I., Shestakova E., Gavrilova A., Sineokaya M., Ratner E., Men'shikov M., Parfenova E., Shestakova M.
Current ideas about the a-cells population and their role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus
Plushkina A., Kaligin M.
Vistseral'nye mezenkhimal'nye stvolovye kletki patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa sposobstvuyut nakopleniyu zhirnykh kislot v zdorovykh adipotsitakh
Agareva M., Stafeev Y., Michurina S., Zubkova E., Sklyanik I., Shestakova E., Gavrilova A., Sineokaya M., Ratner E., Men'shikov M., Parfenova E., Shestakova M.
Proliferation of cells of the pancreas in experimental diabetes
Kaligin M., Titova A., Plushkina A., Titova M., Gumerova A., Kiassov A.
C-kit-positive pancreas islets cell of rats pancreas as a endocrine cells progenitor during alloxan diabetes
Plyushkina A., Kaligin M., Andreeva D., Titova A., Valeeva I., Dem'yanov A., Gumerova A., Kiyasov A., Plushkina A., Kaligin M., Andreeva D., Titova A., Valeeva I., Demyanov A., Gumerova A., Kiassov A.
Perspectives of using stem cells in diabetes mellitus treatment
Plushkina A., Kaligin M.
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