
Different bone marrow cells autotransplantation influence on morphofunctional state of myocardium after experimental infarction
Davydenko V., Matyukov A., Tsupkina N., Vlasov T., Gritsenko V., Kuznetsov A., Аmineva K., Deev R., Yalfimov A., Pinaev G.
Comparison of effects of bone marrow different cells intramyocardial autotransplantation on reparation of rabbit myocardium after infarction
Matyukov A., Tsupkina N., Vlasov T., Gritsenko V., Davydenko V., Yalfimov A., Pinaev G.
Effect of Bone Marrow Cell Intramyocardial Autotransplantation upon Perfusion of Ischemic Myocardium in Experiment
Matyukov A.
Postinfarction cellular regeneration therapy of the heart muscle
Kurtova A., Zueva E., Nemkov A.
Stem cell therapy of heart failure: clinical trials, problems and perspectives
Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., Parfenova E., Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., V E.
Vliyanie IL-3 na regenerativno-induktsionnuyu aktivnost' gemopoeticheskikh stvolovykh kletok kostnogo mozga pri eksperimental'nom infarkte miokarda
Belyaev N., Rysuly M., Isabekova A., Severova E., Pominova N., Enin E., Perfil'eva Y., Supniyazova T., Tleupieva R., Izakhunova E., Sereda E., Fedotovskikh G., Denisov Y.
Stvolovye kletki v regenerativnoy terapii serdechnykh zabolevaniy: rol' mezhkletochnykh vzaimodeystviy
Plotnikov E., Zorov D., Sukhikh G.
Angiogenic properties of myocardial c-kit+ cells
Dergilev K., Tsokolaeva Z., Beloglazova I., Ratner E., Molokotina Y., Parfenova E.
Intramiocardial administration of resident c-kit+ cardiac progenital cells activates epicardial progenitor cells and promotes myocardial vascularation after the infarction
Dergilev K., Tsokolaeva Z., Beloglazova I., Zubkova E., Boldyreva M., Ratner E., Diykanov D., Menshikov M., Parfenova E.
The change in the quantity of macrophages and their stabilin-1 + M2 subpopulation in the myocardium in patients during early postinfarction period
Rebenkova M., Gombozhapova A., Rogovskaya Y., Ryabov V., Churina E., Kzhyshkowska J.
Influence of allogeneic hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells treated with IL-3 on structural-functional heart changes under experimental postinfarction heart failure in long-term period of observation
Severova E., Berkinbayev S., Nugmanova M., Pominova N., Perfilyeva Y., Supniyazova T., Denisov Y., Belyaev N.
Analiz sovremennykh publikatsiy o novykh metodakh gennoy terapii dlya lecheniya posledstviy infarkta miokarda
Degirmendzhi E., Khil'ko S.
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