
Pulmonary fibrosis: risk factors, pathogenesis and in vivo/in vitro experimental modeling
Chistyakova I., Malashicheva A.
The fate of iPSCs-derived low immunogenic dopaminergic neuron precursors after transplantation into the striatum of rats with 6-OHDA-induced parkinsonism
Voronkov D., Lebedeva O., Stavrovskaya A., Bogomiakova M., Olshanskiy A., Kopylova I., Gushchina A., Simonova A., Ruchko E., Illarioshkin S., Eremeev A., Lagarkova M.
Role of heterosynaptic plasticity in the modification of sensory responses of mouse visual cortex neurons
Smirnov I., Osipova A., Simonova N., Smirnova M., Borodinova A., Malyshev A.
Genetically encoded calcium indicator GCaMP6m for two-photon calcium imaging in newborn mouse cerebral cortex
Akhmetshina D., Villette V., Tressard T., Malvache A., Khazipov R., Cossart R.
The models for the study of biological properties of human hematopoietic stem cells
Ustyugov A., Rumyantsev S.
Methods of cells labeling for visualization in vivo
Solovieva A., Zubareva K., Poveschenko A., Nechaeva E., Konenkova V.
Characterization and ex vivo expansion umbilical cord bloodhematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Ufimtceva A., Kanov E.
Optimization of teratoma formation assay
Kizilova E.
The effects of co-culture duration of cord blood cells with adipose tissue-derived stromal cells on hematopoietic precursors> amplification
Andreeva E., Andrianova I., Gornostaeva A., Bobyleva P., Balashova E., Buravkova L.
Experimental models for studying of skeletal muscles regeneration
Chernova O., Korsakov I., Samchuk D., Pulin A., Mavlikeev M., Deev R., Eremin I.
Current methods in experimental angiogenesis investigation
Livanova A., Deev R., Rizvanov A.
Evolutionary-histological studies of the doctor of medicine Vera Mikhailovna Danchakova
Rusakova S., Odintsova I., Slutskaya D.
Features of bone tissue regeneration after gunshot fractures of human long bones
Gololobov V.
Eksperimental'nye modeli otsenki zazhivleniya kozhnykh ran u gryzunov: metodologiya i ogranicheniya translyatsionnykh issledovaniy
Aleksandrushkina N., Popov V., Makarevich P.
Muse - metod srochnoy ex-vivo mikroskopii
Kalinichenko A., Denisenko G., Zemerov A., Fayzullin A., Timashev P.
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