
The effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the level of bone marrow progenitor cells in the blood of patients with invasive breast carcinoma
Kaigorodova E., Perelmuter V., Orehov A., Fedulova N., Tarabanovskaya N., Simolina E., Savelieva O., Tashireva L., Cherdyntseva N.
The modern strategies for working out of transplant tolerance by using blood and bone marrow cells
Onischenko N.
The effects of co-culture duration of cord blood cells with adipose tissue-derived stromal cells on hematopoietic precursors> amplification
Andreeva E., Andrianova I., Gornostaeva A., Bobyleva P., Balashova E., Buravkova L.
Characterization and ex vivo expansion umbilical cord bloodhematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Ufimtceva A., Kanov E.
Stvolovye kletki v regenerativnoy terapii serdechnykh zabolevaniy: rol' mezhkletochnykh vzaimodeystviy
Plotnikov E., Zorov D., Sukhikh G.
Stem cell therapy of heart failure: clinical trials, problems and perspectives
Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., Parfenova E., Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., V E.
Influence of allogeneic hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells treated with IL-3 on structural-functional heart changes under experimental postinfarction heart failure in long-term period of observation
Severova E., Berkinbayev S., Nugmanova M., Pominova N., Perfilyeva Y., Supniyazova T., Denisov Y., Belyaev N.
Razrabotka optimal'nykh usloviy kul'tivirovaniya i differentsirovki stvolovykh i progenitornykh kletok TsNS cheloveka i zhivotnykh
Kvacheva Z., Pyko I., Votyakov V., Titov L., Fedulov A., Koren' S.
Erythropoietin-mediated activation of functional properties of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with chronic heart failure
Poveshchenko O., Bondarenko N., Kim I., Lykov A., Surovtseva M., Pokushalov E., Romanov A., Poveshchenko A., Konenkov V., Karaskov A.
Development of implantable cell-tissue-engineering designs of auxiliary liver for the treatment of liver failure
Onishchenko N., Gulay Y., Shagidulin M., Nikolskaya A., Bashkina L.
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