
Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Immunopathologie Conditions of a Human Body
Kruglyakov P.V., Lokhmatova E.A., Klimovich V.B., Zaritsky A.Y.
Cellular technologies in system of the intensive care of traumatic comas
Parljuk О.V., Seledtsov V.I., Rabinovich S.S., Seledtsova G.V., Astrakov S.V., Jarohno V.I., Kozlov V.A.
Analysis of the results of transplantation of the retinal pigment epithelium in the experiment
Lagarkova M.A., Katargina L.A., Izmailova N.S., Ilyukhin P.A., Kharitonov A.E., Utkina O.A., Neroeva N.V.
Biologic properties of endothelial cells-progenitors and their reparative potential for cell therapy
Keskinov A.A., Eryemin I.I., Shcherbyuk A.N., Ragimov A.A., Nasonov E.L., Bykovskaya S.N.
Transplantation of fetal-derived cells for neurological disorders
Seiedtsova G.V., Seledtsov V.I., Rabinovich S.S., Parluk O.V., Kafanova M.Y.
Cellular Technologies in Traumatology and Orthopedics: Ways of development
Deev R.V., Isaev A.A., Kochiesh A.Y., Tikhilov R.M.
Regulatory considirations for cellular products development: how to accelerate the marketing authorisation in Russia and EAEU
Niyazov R.R., Deev R.V., Dranitsyna M.A., Yasniy I.E., Gavrishina E.V., Vasiliev A.N.
Using organotypic cultures of the retina as a model for studying migratory activity of transplanted cells
Semen M.L., Sergeev S.A., Saburina I.N., Kosheleva N.V., Semenova M.L., Sergeev S.A., Saburina I.N., Koscheleva N.V.
Regulation of the reserch and development of cellular drugs: the experience of the European Union and the United States
Niyazov R.R., Dranitsyna M.A., Yasny I.E., Gavrishina E.V., Vasiliev A.N.
Influence of liver perisinusoidal cell transplantation on liver regeneration after damage induced by CCL4 and 2-acetylaminofluorene
Burganova G.R., Titova A.A., Sharipova E.I., Pevnev G.O., Mavlikeev M.O., Gazizov I.M., Galyavieva A.R., Shafigullina A.K., Kaligin M.S., Titova M.A., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
The clinical application of autologous mesenchimal stem cells isolated from fat tissue for the treatment of patients with trophic ulcers of lower extremities
Baranov E.V., Tretyak S.I., Vasilevich I.B., Lobanok E.S., Volotovski I.D.
Role of FLT3 gene mutations in acute myeloid leukemia: effect on course of disease and results of therapy
Radzhabova A.M., Voloshin S.V., Martynkevich I.S., Kuzyaeva A.A., Shuvaev V., Motyko E.V., Kuvshinov A.Y., Fominykh M.S., Schmidt A.V., Polushkina L.B., Bakay M.P., Tiranova S.A., Zenina M.N., Potihonova N.A., Kudryashova S., Balashova V.A., Chubukina J.V., Uspenskaya O.S., Karyagina E.V., Bogdanov A.N., Chechetkin A.V.
Hepatic stellate cells stimulate liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy under inhibition of hepatocyte proliferation
Titova A.A., Burganova G.R., Sharipova E.I., Pevnev G.O., Mavlikeev M.O., Gazizov I.M., Galyavieva A.R., Shafigullina A.K., Kaligin M.S., Titova M.A., Gumerova A.A., Kiassov A.P.
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