
Controlled immunocorrection and subsequent activation of bone marrow mononuclear cells improve myocardial function in chronic ischemic cardiac failure
Temnov A., Gureev S., Onishchenko N., Shumakov V.
The adoption of expansion strategies of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells from patients with heart failure and co-morbidities
Dmitrieva R., Klukina M., Minullina I., Anisimov S., Zaritskey A.
Stem cell therapy of heart failure: clinical trials, problems and perspectives
Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., Parfenova E., Kochegura T., Efimenko A., Akopyan Z., V E.
Ispol'zovanie sistemnoy transplantatsii «kardiomioblastov», poluchennykh iz mezenkhimal'nykh stvolovykh kletok autogennogo kostnogo mozga, pri kompleksnoy terapii bol'nykh s khronicheskoy serdechnoy nedostatochnost'yu
Tsyb A., A G., Kaplan M., Popovkina O., Lepekhina L., Kal'sina S., Semenkova I., Agaeva E., Danilenko A.
Letter to the editor of the journal. "Cell transplantology and tissue engineering"
Editorial B.
Kletochnye tekhnologii pri gibridnykh operatsiyakh lecheniya khronicheskoy serdechnoy nedostatochnosti
Akhmedov S., Babokin V., D'yakova M., Kisteneva I., Vorozhtsova I., Bukhovets I., Lavrov A., Shipulin V.
Erythropoietin-mediated activation of functional properties of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with chronic heart failure
Poveshchenko O., Bondarenko N., Kim I., Lykov A., Surovtseva M., Pokushalov E., Romanov A., Poveshchenko A., Konenkov V., Karaskov A.
Transplantatsiya kardiomioblastov pozhilym patsientam s kardiotoksicheskimi effektami khimioterapii
Popovkina O., Grivtsova L.
Influence of allogeneic hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells treated with IL-3 on structural-functional heart changes under experimental postinfarction heart failure in long-term period of observation
Severova E., Berkinbayev S., Nugmanova M., Pominova N., Perfilyeva Y., Supniyazova T., Denisov Y., Belyaev N.
Stimul-chuvstvitel'nye polimernye materialy dlya podderzhaniya sokratitel'noy funktsii serdtsa
Pak S., Zyryanova E., Banin E., Kuznetsov N., Krupnin A., Krasheninnikov S., Dmitryakov P., Puchkov A., Kovaleva V., Chvalun S.
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