卷 8, 编号 1 (2013)



Membrane microvesicles: biological properties and involvement in pathogenesis of diseases

Gomzikova M., Gaifullina R., Mustafin I., Chernov V., Miftahova Z., Galyavich A., Rizvanov A.


Microvesicles (MV) — membrane vesicles, which are released from surface of cells under normal conditions as well as in response to stimulation or destruction of cells (platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes, endothelial cells, transformed cells, etc.). For a long time it was believed that MV do not play a significant role and were considered to be inert «waste», released by cells during their life, but accumulating evidence indicates the important role of MV in different physiological and pathological processes. To date, the databases PUBMED, OMIM and GENE accumulated a large number of publications devoted to the study of the ability of microvesicles to carry a variety of biologically active substances (lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, etc), the use of microvesicles as diagnostic markers and the influence of membrane microvesicles on the development of various diseases.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):6-11
pages 6-11 views

Role of VEGF-A165 receptors in angiogenesis

Arutyunyan I., Kananykhina E., Makarov A.


We present an overview of current literature data on the different roles of key proangiogenic factor VEGF-A-165' receptors in angiogenesis regulation. VEGFR2 is the major effector receptor and runs intracellular cascades that provide survival, proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, the involvement of progenitor cells, the formation and maturation of new blood vessels. VEGFR1 contrary is the main regulator of the activity of VEGF-A-165, preventing excessive angiogenic response through the mechanism of negative feedback. The article also presents data on the variability of number and ratio of VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 on the surface of different cell types, providing the fine regulation of the VEGF-A-165 pathway.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):12-18
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Evaluation of the quality of cryopreserved umbilical cord blood before and after cryostorage BioArchive® in Stem cell bank of Moscow

Kobzeva I., Astrelina T., Yakovleva M., Karpova E., Kruglova Y., Boyakova E., Shachpazyan N., Gomzyakov A.


The analysis of the quality of cryopreserved umbilical cord blood before and after the cryostorage BioArchive® of Stem Cells Bank in the Moscow. Represented the biological characteristics of cryopreserved umbilical cord blood (cell structure, cell viability (CD45+7-ADD-), the number of CD34 + -cells), harvested for clinical use. It is shown that after the cryostorage quality of cryopreserved umbilical cord blood is stored, does not change and does not depend on the long-term of storage, there is a slight decrease in the number of nucleated cells, colony-forming activity. Revealed that the preservation of hematopoietic stem cells of umbilical cord blood after cryostorage depends on the method of their selection, the initial levels of hematocrit to store and CPDA in cord blood.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):19-23
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Finding of CCR5-\32 cord blood haemopoetic stem cells: opportunities and perspectives for treatment of patients with HIV-infection

Pirozhkov I., Glebova M., Canaeva M., Khrupina A., Smirnova S., Ivolgin D., Smolyaninov A., Pets L.


Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was isolated in 1983. However, in despite of leading scientific laboratories over theworld have studied AIDS problem almost thirty years, HIV pandemia remains one of the serious problems of health care in the areaof infectious diseases. Molecular mechanism of HIV entry into target cell involves specific interaction of viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 with CD4 molecule and chemokine receptor CCR5. Simultaneousexpression ofCD4 and CCR5 molecules observed in the CD4+ lymphocytes (T-helpers type 1, dendritic cells, monocytes, macrophages). Polymorphism CCR5-\32 is 32 base pair deletion in the CCR5 gene, a loss-of-function mutation that provides genetic resistance against HIV-1 acquisition. Mutation occurs in the Caucasian population with up to 10—15% heterozygous and 1% homozygous carriers. So, based on the hypotesis that stem cells transplantation may treat HIV infection, several scientific groups began to form a pull of haemopoetic stem cells sourses which contains such mutation. One of such perspective activities is a developing of CCR5-\32 mutationcord blood unitsinventoryconsidering HLA haplotype frequencies specific for each region on the baseof cord blood bank.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):24-28
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Comparative characteristic of immunomodulatory properties of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and fibroblasts

Zafranskaya M., Bogdan V., Demidchik Y., Gain Y., Bagatka S., Shelkovich S., Ivanchik G.


Immunomodulated properties of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC) and fibroblasts mediated both by soluble factors and cell-cell contacts, as well as their reparative potential, are important for use these cells in «regenerative medicine». The morphological and phenotypic characteristics and estimation of the bone marrow- and adipose-derived MMSC (bmMMSC and adMMSC), dermal and postnatal fibroblasts (Foreskin line) influence on mitogen-induced T-lymphocytes proliferation following co-cultivation with donor allogenic peripheral blood mononuclear cells with further calculation of index of MMSC suppression and supernatant's tumor necrosis factor-а concentration. The mesenchymal origin cell cultures have morphophenotypic similarity. The immunosuppressive effect of bone marrow-derived MMSC and Foreskin line's fibroblasts was similar and significantly exceed the ability of adMMSC and dermal fibroblasts to inhibit lymphocyte proliferation. MMSC and fibroblasts constitutively produced low level of tumor necrosis factor-а. However the bone marrow-derived MMSC and Foreskin line's fibroblasts inhibited the tumor necrosis factor-а production by activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells but did not influence on cytokine production by unstimulated cells, whereas the adMMSC significantly increased the cytokine concentrations in all cultures. Dermal fibroblasts did not significantly affect on immune cells secretory activity. The immunomodulatory properties of human adMMSC should be accounted under their use in regenerative medicine.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):29-35
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The adoption of expansion strategies of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells from patients with heart failure and co-morbidities

Dmitrieva R., Klukina M., Minullina I., Anisimov S., Zaritskey A.


Autologous transplantation of bone marrow derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells is considered as a promising treatment for cardiovascular diseases including heart failure. The phenotype of patient with heart failure changed over the last two decades: the percentage of very old individuals, and number of comorbidities increased markedly. These factors could affect the functional properties of mesenchymal stromal cells intended for autologous transplantation. In this study for a first time the functional properties of cell samples from patients with heart failure and co-morbidities (obesity and diabetes mellitus) were investigated and the possibilities to compensate for the effects of patient factors on stromal cell properties by correcting ex vivo expansion strategies were studied. 10 healthy donors, 16 with isolated heart failure, 21 with comorbid obesity, 3 with diabetes and 9 with obesity and diabetes were enrolled. Cultures were evaluated in successive passages for immunophenotype, proliferative activity (population doubling time), frequency of colony-forming units, frequency of adipo- and osteo-progenitors at different seeding density under hypoxia/normoxia. The proliferation rate of mesenchymal stromal cells from patients with heart failure and co-morbidities decreased at early passages while seeded at 3000 cells/ cm2. The cultures with low proliferation rate demonstrated senescence-associated features and low frequency of clonogenic multipotent cells. At seeding density 100 cells/ cm2 cultures maintained high proliferation rate, hypoxia enhanced this effect even further up to 17—28 in vitro population doublings. Some of the donor-specific alterations in cell sample properties could be corrected by changing of culturing strategies.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):36-42
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Application of nanocomposite coatings for multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells cultivation technologies

Goltsev A., Rassokha I., Dubrava T., Ostankova L., Ostankov M., Gordienko E., Safonov V., Zykova A.


The results of experimental research for the effect character of nanocomposite coatings with different physicochemical parameters on structural and functional properties (adhesive potential, phenotype, expression of ido gene) of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) are presented in the work. In the whole spectrum of tested nanocoatings (Al 2O 3, ZrO 2, Ta 2O 5) we have established the ability of oxide coating Al2O3 to monolayerly enrich the cultured in vitro bone marrow (BM) with the MMSCs and increase the degree of ido expression. This can expand the spectrum and give them new shapes of therapeutic potential in clinical practice.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):46-50
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Influence of porous three-dimensional implants from nitinol on culture of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells

Volchkov S., Shishkovsky I., Bairikov I.


The results of in vitro studies about biocompatibility of three-dimensional porous implants made of nickel-titanium (nitinol) are presented in this article. The porous scaffolds were created via layer-by layer selective laser sintering method and incubated with cultures of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. The microstructures of implants surface were observed by scanning electron and optical microscopy. It was shown that nitinol implants have neither toxicity nor other damage action on cells, but decrease the proliferative activity and migration ability of MMSC.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):51-56
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Cultivation of multipotent mesenchymal bone marrow cells on matrixes made of resorbable Bioplastotan

Shishatskaya E., Nikolaeva E., Shumilova A., Shabanov A., Volova T.


Series of cell carriers made of resorbable polyester Bioplastotan, which is a copolymer of 3- and 4-hydroxybutyric acid, are characterized in this work. With use of various technologies membranes, 3D scaffolds, and nanomatrixes formed by ultrafine fibers produced with electrostatic spinning were constructed. All types of scaffolds provide adhesion of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and are suitable for the cultivation and differentiation of cells in the osteoblastes, that confirmed by detection of extracellular calcium precipitates, alkaline phosphatase activity and osteopontin production in cell culture.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):57-65
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Decellularized human umbilical arteries as a potential scaffold for small diameter tissue engineered vascular grafts

Nasredinov A., Lavreshin A., Anisimov S., Vavilov V., Kurapeev D.


Last advances in tissue engineering are connected with the possibility of obtaining decellularized organs and tissues. Their remaining mechanical strength and native structure make them convenient for subsequent recellularization. Decellularization methods vary a lot depending on the kind of the source tissue. We have developed original decellularization method for human umbilical arteries as a potential scaffold for small diameter tissue engineered vascular graft. Effectiveness of decellularization was evaluated by the means of histological and immunogistochemistrical assays, also by estimation of DNA and RNA quantities. These decellularized vessels can be used as scaffolds for cells in frame of tissue engineering vascular grafts making, which demanded in reconstructive cardiovascular surgery.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):66-71
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Tissue reaction in experimental peritoneal damage during treatment miramistin

Kyzlasov P., Voskanyan S., Paklina O.


The paper presents results of an experimental study on the efficiency of cationic surfactant for the prevention of adhesion formation after intraperitoneal operations. According to the literature of the world the incidence of abdominal adhesive disease has a significant downward trend, due to the lack of adequate preventive measure and determine the need for new tools have protivospaechnym action. The studies were conducted on 60 Wistar rats. In the study group was modeled adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity, then before suturing wounds laporatomnoy performed abdominal introduction proverhnostno-active substance, «Miramistin». According to the histological study in a group of animals, which was administered prophylactically Miramistin, there were statistically significant (х2 criterion examined Yates-corrected for the frequency of adhesions and reduced the severity of adhesions.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):72-75
pages 72-75 views

Efficacy and safety of mesenchymal stromal cells of bone marrow in patients with refractory forms Crohn's disease

Knyazev O., Parfenov A., Shcherbakov P., Ruchkina I., Khomeriki S., Konoplyannikov A.


The aim of our study was to assess the safety and medium-term efficacy of biological therapy of Crohn’s disease — the transplantation of allogeneic bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC) and anticytokine therapy with selective immunosuppressants. All patients with Crohn’s disease (chronic continuous and chronic relapsing disease) were divided into two groups depending on the method of therapy: group 1 patients (n = 30) who that mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) were administered twice a month at intervals of 1 week, and then every 6 months Group 2 patients (n = 20) received infliximab (inflation) by the scheme 0-2-6 (induction therapy), then every 8 weeks (maintenance therapy) for at least the year. The age of patients in all groups ranged from 19 to 56 years (median (Me) — 36 years), the majority of patients were women — 28 (56.0%). Disease duration ranged from 3 to 15 years (Me — 5 years). Date of administration or cell culture is a point of inclusion in a clinical study. In analyzing the results, it was found that both methods of biological therapy refractory forms of CD can achieve clinical and, in some cases, endoscopic remission. Preservation of clinical remission is achieved in most cases without steroids. Thus, both methods are comparable biological therapy on outcome. Transplantation of bone marrow MSCs can be considered as a promising and safety method for treatment of refractory Crohn’s disease, comparable to treatment with infliximab.
Genes and Cells. 2013;8(1):76-84
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