
Contribution of signaling pathways associated with cellular senescence and regulatory non-coding RNAs to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Markelov V.A., Korytina G.F., Aznabaeva Y.G., Zulkarneev S.R., Akhmadishina L.Z., Zagidullin N.S.
Developmental expression patterns of genes mutated in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders
Kondakova E.V., Gavrish M.S., Filat’eva A.E., Tarabykin V.S.
Peculiarities of non-coding RNA functioning in the norm and cerebral ischemia
Filippenkov I.B., Limborska S.A., Dergunova L.V.
Sverkhekspressiya tsiklicheskoy RNK gena SGMS1 cheloveka dlya izucheniya ee vzaimodeystviy s malymi RNK
Remizova Y.A., Sudarkina O.Y., Limborskaya S.A., Dergunova L.V., Filippenkov I.B.
Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Kazan and factors influencing the effectiveness of eradication therapy
Khalikova A.R., Faizullina R.A., Akhmetov I.I., Ivanovskaya K.A., Abdulkhakov S.R.
Rol' konstitutivnogo geterokhromatina v inaktivatsii Kh-khromosomy
Shevchenko A.I., Zakiyan S.M.
Transposon hypothesis of carcinogenesis
Mustafin R.N.
Transkriptomnye signaly bipolusharnykh izmeneniy v mozge krys posle obratimoy tserebral'noy ishemii
Filippenkov I.B., Remizova Y.A., Mozgovoy I.V., Golovina K.D., Stavchanskiy V.V., Denisova A.E., Gubskiy L.V., Limborskaya S.A., Dergunova L.V.
Regulirovanie ekspressii genov metodom RNK-interferentsii lentivirusnymi vektorami, kodiruyushchimi korotkie shpilechnye rnk
Basovich L.S., Malashicheva A.B.
Al'ternativnyy sposob «pereprogrammirovaniya» limfotsitov
Tishevskaya N.V., Gevorkyan N.M.
Long noncoding RNA expression pattern in the X inactivation center of rodents
Elisaphenko E.A., Shevchenko A.I., Zakian S.M.
Poisk transkriptsionnykh faktorov, reguliruyushchikh transkriptom skeletnoy myshtsy cheloveka pri rezkom snizhenii dvigatel'noy aktivnosti
Popov D.V., Makhnovskiy P.A., Borzykh A.A., Lednev E.M., Vepkhvadze T.F., Kurochkina N.S., Tomilovskaya E.S., Orlov O.I.
Vliyanie stareniya na fone khronicheskogo vospaleniya i snizheniya dvigatel'noy aktivnosti na transkriptom skeletnoy myshtsy cheloveka
Vepkhvadze T.F., Vigovskiy M.A., Kurochkina N.S., Makhnovskiy P.A., Grigor'eva O.A., Lednev E.M., Filippov V.V., Boroday Y.R., Vysokikh M.Y., Efimenko A.Y., Popov D.V.
Histotechnical solutions for quality improvement of nucleic acid specimens extracted from paraffin blocks
Vaganova A.N.
Novye nekodiruyushchie RNK, assotsiirovannye s gliolblastomoy
Burenina O.Y., Rubtsov Y.P., Pavlyukov M.S., Musatova O.E., Zatsepin T.S., Rubtsova M.P., Dontsova O.A.
Involvement of transposons in epigenetic regulation of embryogenesis
Mustafin R.N.
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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