
Study of the role of evolutionary new enhancers in the development of the corpus callosum
Kustova A., Celis Suescun J., Rybakova V., Tarabykin V.
Gene therapy approaches to the duchenne muscular dystrophy theatment
Zaynitdinova M., Smirnikhina S., Lavrov A., Eremin I., Pulin A.
Site-specific genome editing for hematopoetic stem cells transplantation-based gene therapy approaches
Lepik K., Popova M., Shakirova A., Sergeev V., Potter A., Barkhatov I., Fehse B., Afanasyev B.
Clinical trials for the treatment of hereditary diseases by genome editing
Slesarenko Y., Lavrov A., Smirnikhina S.
Application of CRISPR/Cas9 system for developing and studying cellular models of inherited disease
Valetdinova K.
Generation and characterization of human emryonic stem cells with increased expression of HIF-2a
Zhiven M., Zakharova I., Shevchenko A., Elisaphenko E., Orishchenko K., Zakian S.
Modern pathogenesis-based methods and development of new gene and cell-based methods for cystic fibrosis treatment
Smirnikhina S., Lavrov A.
Cellular models, genomic technologies and clinical practice: a synthesis of knowledge for the study of the mechanisms, diagnostics and treatment of Parkinson's disease
Kovalenko V., Khabarova E., Rzaev D., Medvedev S.
Genome editing on cell model of the genetic form of Parkinson's disease
Vetchinova A., Konovalova E., Volchkov P., Abramycheva N., Illarioshkin S.
Plakophilin-2 gene knockout using CRISPR/Cas9 system
Khudiakov A., Kostina D., Kostareva A., Malashicheva A.
Strategies to edit paralogous genes with CRISPR/Cas9
Nemudryi A., Malankhanova T., Malakhova A., Medvedev S., Zakian S.
Ekspressiya gena POU5F1 v rakovykh kletkakh myshi
Kuz'min A., Kudryashov V., Tomilin A.
Vliyanie mutatsii G2019S v kinaze LRRK2 na funktsional'noe sostoyanie mitokhondriy i mitofagiyu v izogennoy kletochnoy modeli bolezni Parkinsona
Kopylova I., Mayorova K., Vigont V., Grekhnev D., Bogomazova A., Lebedeva O., Lagar'kova M.
Ispol'zovanie genomnykh i kletochnykh tekhnologiy dlya vyyasneniya klinicheskogo znacheniya mutatsiy v genakh, assotsiirovannykh s gipertroficheskoy kardiomiopatiey
Dement'eva E., Pavlova S., Shul'gina A., Pronyaeva K., Zakiyan S.
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