
Features of generation and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into retinal cells for modeling human hereditary diseases
Lapshin E., Gershovich Y., Minskaya E., Karabelsky A.
Analysis of the results of transplantation of the retinal pigment epithelium in the experiment
Lagarkova M., Katargina L., Izmailova N., Ilyukhin P., Kharitonov A., Utkina O., Neroeva N.
Regenerative regeneration multiiayered corneal epithelium: biotechnological potential
Gololobov V., Gayvoronsky I., Deev R., Rud'ko A., Ellinidi V., Anikeeva N., Sukhinin M.
Rol' bazal'nykh kletok obonyatel'nogo epiteliya v neyrogeneze
Obukhova L., Mukhina I.
Kletochnoe obnovlenie v kishechnom epitelii v usloviyakh reaktivnykh izmeneniy slizistoy obolochki
Deev R., Akhmedov T., Komyakov V.
Personalized cell-based therapy in ophthalmology. III. Clinical efficacy in the treatment of corneal endothelial diseases
Avetisov S., Kasparova E., Kasparov A., Subbot A., Antohin A., Pavliuk A., Fadeeva L., Feofanov S.
Dozazavimye razlichiya LPS-indutsirovannogo neyrogeneza i deskvamatsii obonyatel'nogo epiteliya myshey
Sergeev V., Sergeeva K., Anikaeva M.
Somatic cells reprogramming and genome editing for stargardt disease modeling for investigation and treatment
Lebedin M., Mayorova K., Maximov V., Bogomazova A., Lagarkova M., Kiselev S.
Issledovanie roli Yap1 v raznykh tipakh organoidov postnatal'nykh legkikh myshey
Govorova I., Nikitochkina S., Sutyagina O., Cherkashina O., Vorotelyak E., Rippa A.
Biotransplantat kul'tivirovannykh kletok epiteliya guby dlya rekonstruktsii epiteliya rogovitsy
Gerasimov M., Ostrovskiy D., Malyugin B., Borzenok S.
Effect of pCMV-VEGF165 plasmides on the reparation of full-layer skin wound in experiment
Shestakova V., Banin V., Deev R., Bazhenov D.
Comparative analysis of the regeneratory potential of blood derivatives on a cell model of corneal epithelium damage
Subbot A., Trufanov S., Shakhbazyan N.
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