
Neurorehabilitation of post-stroke patients using a noninvasive spinal neuroprosthesis
Ananyev S., Moshonkina T., Zharova E., Shandybina N., Vershinina E., Lyakhovetsky V., Grishin A., Gerasimenko Y.
The dynamics of somatosensory evoked potentials in patients with spinal cord injury treated by autologous haematopoietic stem cells
Bryukhovetskiy A., Frolov A., Kovalenko N.
The morphology and chemistry of a rat spinal cord after thoracal segmentectomy and transplantation of polymeric collagen neuromatrix “Spherogel - E”™ containing incorporated ensheathing neuroepithelial cells
Bryukhovetsky I., Dyuizen I., Motavkin P.
Hydrogel of biocompatible carbomers as matrix for elimination of neural tissue defects
Fomina G., Masgutov R., Shtyrlin V., Zyavkina Y., Chelyshev Y.
Neuroregenerative therapy of spinal cord trauma: role and perspectives of stem cells transplantation
Zaytsev A., Bryukhovetsky A.
Immunohistochemical study of motoneurons of the lumbar spinal cord of mice after the 30-days space flight on biosatellite BION-M1
Tyapkina O., Rezvyakov P., Nurullin L., Petrov K., Nikolskiy E., Islamov R.
Immunohistochemical research of reaction of motoneurons of lumbar spinal cord of the mice that were in 30-day flight on the BION-M1 biosatellite on a week readaptation to conditions of Earth gravitation
Tyapkina O., Rezvyakov P., Nurullin L., Petrov K., Nikolskiy E., Islamov R.
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