Volume 3, Nº 1 (2008)


Cell technology

pages 21-22 views

Production of induced human pluripotent stem cells

Bozo I.
Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):22-23
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Perfusion model of an artificial heart

Volkov A.
Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):31-32
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The Use of Cord Blood Stem Cells in Clinical Practice

Isaev A., Melihova V.


Here we review general achievements in cord blood (as well as the cord) stem cells use. In two main part of the review we discuss the clinical experience of progenitors from cord blood in treatment of oncology and other diseases.

The major results of clinical trials in children and adult patients are briefly presented in several tables. Besides, there are two parts dedicated to some difficulties and problems, connected with the use of cord blood stem cells and to general perspective trends ofcord blood cells clinical use.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):34-43
pages 34-43 views

Original Study Articles

Human fetal liver and spleen (Cell composition)

Abdulkadyrov K., Balashova V.


Cell composition has been studied in hepatic reprints of 76 human fetuses between 6-27 weeks of development. Erythropoiesis predominates during the whole period of hepatic hemopoiesis. During 6-7 weeks primary erythroblasts make 25% of all erythroid cells, and by the 22d-27th weeks their content does not even reach 1,5%. Content of neutrophilic leucocytes is 1 - 1,5%. Nondifferentiated blast cells make 2,9±0,5 - 5,1±0,1%. Their greatest amount is observed between 6-8 and 18 and more weeks. The cell composition of the fetal spleen has been studied in 10 fetuses 19-25-week-old. Lymphoid forms make 85% of all cells of the organ’s hemopoietic tissue, of them 2,9±0,4% are lymphoblasts, 0,3±0,1% - nondifferentiated blasts. The investigations studying colonyforming properties of the hematopoietic cells confirmed that the highest content of myeloid precursors in the fetal liver and spleen is noted between 9-21 weeks of age. Therefore, it is possible to expect the greatest effect of these organ's transplantation during this time.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):46-48
pages 46-48 views

Transplantation of fetal-derived cells for neurological disorders

Seiedtsova G., Seledtsov V., Rabinovich S., Parluk O., Kafanova M.


Both literature and our own data addressed to transplanting fetal-derived cells for neurologic disorders are reviewed in this paper. According these data, the transplantation of the cells derived from nervous and hemopoietic tissues may be an effective treatment for consequences of craniocerebral trauma, cerebral stroke, spinal cord injury, neuroinfection and of cerebral palsy. The predominant role in the formation of therapeutic effects is assumed to belong to neurotrophic factors being released by grafted cells in the brain injury lessions.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):49-56
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Regeneration therapy of chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis by fetal tissue transplantation

Pirogova I., Pischkin S.


То evaluate feasibility of fetal tissue transplantation as a new noninvasive technique to stimulate liver regeneration in case of chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis.

According to biochemical studies patients with CH who underwent FTT demonstrated significant decrease (p<0,05) of AST, ALT, α2 and γ-giobuiins, thymol challenge, alkaline phosphatase when opposed to the comparison group, in these cases stable remission was observed in 73% while in the comparison group only 33%. In patients with HC fetal tissue transplantation induced disease improvement in 70% compared to 36% of cases undergoing conventional therapy in the comparison group. We observed significant difference [p<0,05] in the level of albumin, α2 and γ-globulins, AcAT, alkaline phosphatase, γ-GTP, thymol challenge comparing the findings according to biochemical studies. Patients with PBC having the several consequent therapy showed decreased severity of cholestasis syndrome and slower progression of the disease according to the clinical and biochemical studies when compared to the control group.

According to our data FTT is indicated to patients with CH and HC in mild and moderate stages. If the condition is severe and there is virus replication observed it is necessary to start etiotropic and immunosuppressive therapy and then it might be possible to perform FTT.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):57-61
pages 57-61 views

Discussion and general theoretical works

The tendention in creative tissue engineering of osteoplastice

Desyatnichenko K., Kurdyumov S.


In this papier there are basic requirements for materials which are intended for compensation of defects of bones by means of their implantation, and also there are approaches for choosing the sources and technical receptions in industrial manufacture. The dates about approbation in experiment of osteoplastic materials of INDOST, which are developed in compliance with this criterions are shown.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):62-69
pages 62-69 views

Clinical experience

Transplantation of autologous hemopoietic stem cells to patients with chronic hepatitis

Kiasov A., Odintsova A., Gumerova A., Gazizov I., Farrakhov A., Kundakchyan G., Abdulkhakov S., Cheremina N., lilmaz T.


The results of the clinic triai first phase of autotransplantation efficacy of hemopoietic stem cells to patients with chronic hepatitis in a severe hepatic fibrosis stage are given in the article. After hemopoietic precursors having been stimulated by "Neipogen" into peripheral blood, isolated hemopoietic stem cells were introduced into the celiac trunk. It provided the delivery of transplanted cells into the liver with both the arterial and venous blood flow. As the assessment criteria of transplantation efficacy the morphologic analysis results (the histologic activity index) and immunohistochemical staining (detection of proliferation activity, myofibroblasts activation and capillarization of sinusoids) were used together with clinical and biochemical values. The investigation results show that transplantation of autologous hemopoietic stem cells into the celiac trunk ofpatients with chronic hepatitis in the stage ofsevere fibrosis is a safe procedure. A month after transplantation the patient’s general condition and the functional tests indices improved, the necrosis and inflammation became less pronounced, qualitative structure alterations within the liver occured - that is hepatocytes proliferation decreased significantly, the number of myofibroblasts was reduced within the parenchyma that resulted in resolving of perisinusoidal fibrosis and restoration of the norma/ structure of sinusoid capillaries. The data obtained confirm that this method can be used to suppress the progression of hepatitis and fibrosis formation within the liver, as well as immunohistochemical methods provide reliable information on the efficacy of transplantation.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(1):70-75
pages 70-75 views

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