
Contribution of signaling pathways associated with cellular senescence and regulatory non-coding RNAs to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Markelov V.A., Korytina G.F., Aznabaeva Y.G., Zulkarneev S.R., Akhmadishina L.Z., Zagidullin N.S.
Mechanisms of triggering antitumor immunity: from photodynamic effects to immunogenic cell death
Sleptsova E.E., Redkin T.S., Saviuk M.O., Turubanova V.D.
Post-stress expression of genes involved in neuroplasticity in the hippocampus and blood of rats with different level of nervous system excitability
Vylegzhanina A.E., Shalaginova I.G., Zachepilo T.G., Dyuzhikova N.A.
Chemogenetic emulation of intraneuronal oxidative stress affects synaptic plasticity
Maltsev D.I., Kalinichenko А.L., Jappy D., Solotenkov M.A., Solius G.M., Mukhametshina L.F., Elesina E.A., Sokolov R.A., Tsopina A.S., Fedotov I.V., Moshchenko A.A., Fedotov A.B., Shaydurov V.A., Rozov A.V., Podgorny O.V., Belousov V.V.
Chronic social stress alters dexamethasone sensitivity of glucocorticoid receptor target genes
Kisaretova P.E., Shulyupova A.S., Bondar N.P.
Chronic social defeat stress and glucocorticoid regulation in brain regions: resistance or hypersensitivity?
Bondar N.P., Kisaretova P.E., Reshetnikov V.V., Shulyupova A.S., Ryabushkina Y.A., Salman R.
Controlled immunocorrection and subsequent activation of bone marrow mononuclear cells improve myocardial function in chronic ischemic cardiac failure
Temnov A.A., Gureev S.V., Onishchenko N.A., Shumakov V.I.
Vliyanie mutatsii G2019S v kinaze LRRK2 na funktsional'noe sostoyanie mitokhondriy i mitofagiyu v izogennoy kletochnoy modeli bolezni Parkinsona
Kopylova I.V., Mayorova K.S., Vigont V.A., Grekhnev D.A., Bogomazova A.N., Lebedeva O.S., Lagar'kova M.A.
Indutsirovannye plyuripotentnye stvolovye kletki cheloveka i ikh proizvodnye v kachestve modeli dlya poiska i testirovaniya soedineniy s neyroprotektornoy aktivnost'yu
Grivennikov I.A., Shimchenko D.M., Novosadova E.V., Antonov S.A., Andreeva L.A., Myasoedov N.F., Tarantul V.Z.
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of mitomycin C toward human endothelial cells
Sinitsky M.Y., Kutikhin A.G., Shishkova D.K., Asanov M.A., Ponasenko A.V.
Nuclear-nucleolar relationships and nucleolar stress in hepatocytes in hyperhomocysteinemia
Chuchkova N.N., Pazinenko K.A., Smetanina M.V., Kormilina N.V.
Dinamika izmeneniy molekulyarnogeneticheskogo profilya mezenkhimnykh stvolovykh/stromal'nykh kletok endometriya cheloveka v protsesse formirovaniya sferoidov
Alekseenko L.L., Domnina A.P., Kozhukharova I.V., Ivanova Y.S., Pugovkina N.A., Lyublinskaya O.G.
Uchastie transkriptsionnykh faktorov NRF2, HIF, CAR I PXR v regulyatsii R-glikoproteina pri modelirovanii okislitel'nogo stressa na kletkakh linii SASO-2
Abalenikhina Y.V., Shchul'kin A.V., Erokhina P.D., Myl'nikov P.Y., Yakusheva E.N.
Letter to the editor of the journal. "Cell transplantology and tissue engineering"
Editorial B.
Molecular mechanisms of neuroinflammation initiation and development in a model of post-traumatic stress disorder
Tuchina O.P., Sidorova M.V., Turkin A.V., Shvaiko D.A., Shalaginova I.G., Vakolyuk I.A.
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