Liver pathomorphology of Mus musculus C57BL6 on atherogenic diet

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Atherosclerosis is one of the leading causes of disability
and death worldwide. Liver plays a huge role in pathogenesis
of atherogenic dislipidemia, development and progression of
atherosclerotic lesions. We studied the effect of atherogenic
diet on liver morphology in animal model of diet-induced
atherosclerosis in mice Mus musculus C57BI6. This strain
has a natural ability to develop atherosclerosis, while some
other mouse stains has not. After 14 weeks on atherogenic
diet a severe hepathomegaly (9% of body mass) and lobular
structure deformation was found. We also observed signs of
micro- and macrovesicular steatosis, cell apoptosis, fibrosis
and inflammatory leukocyte infiltration. So, liver not only plays
an important role in dislipidemia, but it is also a target-organ
in lipid metabolism imbalance.

About the authors

R F Gaifullina

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan

M N Katina

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan

S R Abdulhakov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan

L R Kasimova

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan

A R Abdulhakova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan

A A Rizvanov

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan

Kazan Federal Volga Region University, Kazan


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