Finding of CCR5-\32 cord blood haemopoetic stem cells: opportunities and perspectives for treatment of patients with HIV-infection




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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was isolated in 1983. However, in despite of leading scientific laboratories over theworld have studied AIDS problem almost thirty years, HIV pandemia remains one of the serious problems of health care in the areaof infectious diseases. Molecular mechanism of HIV entry into target cell involves specific interaction of viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 with CD4 molecule and chemokine receptor CCR5. Simultaneousexpression ofCD4 and CCR5 molecules observed in the CD4+ lymphocytes (T-helpers type 1, dendritic cells, monocytes, macrophages). Polymorphism CCR5-\32 is 32 base pair deletion in the CCR5 gene, a loss-of-function mutation that provides genetic resistance against HIV-1 acquisition. Mutation occurs in the Caucasian population with up to 10—15% heterozygous and 1% homozygous carriers. So, based on the hypotesis that stem cells transplantation may treat HIV infection, several scientific groups began to form a pull of haemopoetic stem cells sourses which contains such mutation. One of such perspective activities is a developing of CCR5-\32 mutationcord blood unitsinventoryconsidering HLA haplotype frequencies specific for each region on the baseof cord blood bank.




I. Pirozhkov

LLC «Stem cell bank Pokrovsky», Saint-Petersburg

M. Glebova

LLC «Stem cell bank Pokrovsky», Saint-Petersburg

M. Canaeva

LLC «Stem cell bank Pokrovsky», Saint-Petersburg

AS. Khrupina

LLC «Stem cell bank Pokrovsky», Saint-Petersburg; I.I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg

S. Smirnova

LLC «Stem cell bank Pokrovsky», Saint-Petersburg; I.I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg

D. Ivolgin

LLC «Stem cell bank Pokrovsky», Saint-Petersburg; I.I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg

A. Smolyaninov

LLC «Stem cell bank Pokrovsky», Saint-Petersburg; I.I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg

L. Pets

StemCyte International Cord Blood Center, Covina, USA


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