Comparative characterization of assessive methods of the cytotoxic properties of biological scaffolds



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Assessment of cell viability and metabolic activity on the scaffolds is an important part of the decellularized matrix characterization and its application possibilities to create tissue-engineered constructs. A variety of methods for assessing the matrix cytotoxic properties is not always characterized by methodological unity and has spread parameters using different protocols that require further investigation. On recellularized biological rat lung and diaphragm matrices the basic methods for determining the cytotoxic properties of biological scaffolds were studied. It is established that widely described in foreign literature colorimetric method for assessing the optical density of the treated and control cells and samples with the subsequent comparative analysis does not give a complete representation of cell viability on the scaffold. Calculation of cell viability based on mathematical formulas seems to be the most objective method of the cytotoxic properties of biological scaffolds evaluation. A promising method for assessing cell activity on biological scaffolds is to measure fluorescent activity of Alamar Blue reagent followed by quantification of cells proliferation. Colorimetric analyses of the absorption of the same agent without regard to the fluorescence afford terminated information and require the development of algorithms for the integrated assessment of cell viability on the scaffolds.




E. Kuevda

Kuban State Medical University

Krasnodar, Russia

E. Gubareva

Kuban State Medical University

Krasnodar, Russia

A. Sotnichenko

Kuban State Medical University

Krasnodar, Russia

I. Gumenyuk

Kuban State Medical University

Krasnodar, Russia

I. Gilevich

Kuban State Medical University

Krasnodar, Russia

R. Nakohov

Kuban State Medical University

Krasnodar, Russia


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