
Highly stable long-term memory in a mouse model of post-traumatic stress disorder
Zamorina T., Toropova K., Ivashkina O., Anokhin K.
Weak cued fear memory strengthening by re-activating the engram
Toropova K., Ivashkina O., Yurin A., Anokhin K.
Behavioral phenotype of C57Bl/6 mice that endured bullying during infant age period
Kuzmina D., Eremeeva N., Schelchkova N., Mukhina I.
Topological data analysis suggests human brain network reconfiguration during the transition from resting state to cognitive load
Ernston I., Onuchin A., Adamovich T.
Working memory: what does research say about oscillation and functional connectivity?
Otstavnov N., Voevodina E., Fedele T.
Neural mechanisms of associative cortical plasticity in cognitive domain: Magnetoencephalographic studies
Chernyshev B., Pultsina K., Tretyakova V., Razorenova A., Pavlova A., Stroganova T.
Effects of spreading depolarization induced by amygdala micro-injury on fear memory in rats
Smirnova M., Pavlova I., Vinogradova L.
The effect of cardarine on the behavior of rats in a lithium-pylocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy
Subkhankulov M., Sinyak D., Zubareva O.
Calcium activity of hippocampal CA1 neurons during memory formation and retrieval in young and old mice
Rogozhnikova O., Ivashkina О., Toropova K., Sotskov V., Plusnin V., Anokhin K.
Histone acetylation increase rescues a weak remote fear memory in rats
Vinarskaya A., Zuzina A., Balaban P.
Developing and testing a method of remotely improving younger students executive functions, volitional attention and auditory memory
Tomenko T., Bogdanova M.
Neuroelectronics as neuromorphic and neurohybryd systems enabled by memristive technology
Mikhaylov A.
Activity of hippocampal CA1 field neurons during aversive memory formation and reactivation in mice in vivo
Roshchina M., Roshchin M., Borodinova A., Aseyev N., Zuzina A., Balaban P.
Engram for the complex signals in the mouse brain: distinct neuronal ensembles for compound conditioning stimulus and its components
Ivashkina O., Toropova K., Anokhin K.
The effects of the male sex hormone (testosterone) on the functional activity of T-lymphocytes different degrees of differentiation
Shupletsova V., Khaziakhmatova O., Gutsol A., Sokhonevich N., Yurova K., Litvinova L.
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