
Mitochondrial respiration of a primary mixed culture of neurons from hippocampus at various stages of differentiation
Zelentsova A.S., Borisova A.Y., Shmigerova V.S., Skorkina M.Y., Deykin A.V.
Febrile seizures cause a decrease in calcium-permeable AMPA receptors at synapses of rat cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons
Postnikova T.Y., Griflyuk A.V., Zhigulin A.S., Soboleva E.B., Barygin O.I., Amakhin D.V., Zaitsev A.V.
Changes in neuronal excitability in the rat hippocampus in a prolonged febrile seizures model
Griflyuk A.V., Postnikova T.Y., Amakhin D.V., Soboleva E.B., Zaitsev A.V.
Investigation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity in a mutant mice line predisposed to epileptiform activity
Fedulina A.A., Matveeva M.V., Maltseva K.E., Lebedeva A.V., Tarabykin V.S.
Ultrastructure of neuron-glia interaction in the norm and experimental pathology
Shishkova E.A., Rogachevsky V.V.
Dynamics of space coding by mouse hippocampal CA1 field neurons in a free navigation task in different environments
Sotskov V.P., Plyusnin V.V., Dokukin N.V., Pospelov N.A., Anokhin K.V.
Activity of hippocampal CA1 field neurons during aversive memory formation and reactivation in mice in vivo
Roshchina M.A., Roshchin M.V., Borodinova A.A., Aseyev N.A., Zuzina A.B., Balaban P.M.
“Time windows” for switching kinase-phosphatase balance during inhibition of long-term potentialization of hippocampal synapses by amyloid aggregates
Maltsev A.V., Balaban P.M.
Investigation of the functioning of a neurohybrid system based on the FitzHugh–Nagumo radio generator and mouse hippocampal neurons
Matveeva M.V., Fedulina A.A., Beltyukova A.V., Maltseva K.E., Gerasimova S.A., Mishchenko M.A., Mikhaylov A.N., Kazantsev V.B., Lebedeva A.V.
Stimulation of neurogenesis at hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease
Petukhova E.O., Mukhamedshina Y.O., Vasilieva O.Y., Aksenova L.Y., Solovyeva V.V., Garanina E.E., Rizvanov A.A., Zefirov A.L., Islamov R.R., Mukhamedyarov M.A.
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