Comparative characteristic of immunomodulatory properties of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and fibroblasts



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Immunomodulated properties of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC) and fibroblasts mediated both by soluble factors and cell-cell contacts, as well as their reparative potential, are important for use these cells in «regenerative medicine». The morphological and phenotypic characteristics and estimation of the bone marrow- and adipose-derived MMSC (bmMMSC and adMMSC), dermal and postnatal fibroblasts (Foreskin line) influence on mitogen-induced T-lymphocytes proliferation following co-cultivation with donor allogenic peripheral blood mononuclear cells with further calculation of index of MMSC suppression and supernatant's tumor necrosis factor-а concentration. The mesenchymal origin cell cultures have morphophenotypic similarity. The immunosuppressive effect of bone marrow-derived MMSC and Foreskin line's fibroblasts was similar and significantly exceed the ability of adMMSC and dermal fibroblasts to inhibit lymphocyte proliferation. MMSC and fibroblasts constitutively produced low level of tumor necrosis factor-а. However the bone marrow-derived MMSC and Foreskin line's fibroblasts inhibited the tumor necrosis factor-а production by activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells but did not influence on cytokine production by unstimulated cells, whereas the adMMSC significantly increased the cytokine concentrations in all cultures. Dermal fibroblasts did not significantly affect on immune cells secretory activity. The immunomodulatory properties of human adMMSC should be accounted under their use in regenerative medicine.

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Сравнительная характеристика иммуномодулирующих свойств мультипотентных мезенхимных стромальных клеток и фибробластов человека

Sobre autores

M. Zafranskaya

Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

V. Bogdan

Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

Yu. Demidchik

Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

Yu. Gain

Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

S. Bagatka

Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

S. Shelkovich

Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belarus

G. Ivanchik

Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk, Belarus


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