Regulation development of bone marrow postnatal stem cells by specific xenogenic immune globulins



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The regulation development of haemopoietic stem cells by
rabbit anti-human CD34+ stem cells immune globulin has been
established. It was showed by experimental investigation on
rats with cytostatic haemo-immunosuppression and in culture
human CD34+ stem cells. Thus, in animals which received
anti-CD34+ immune globulin the recovery of blood and
immunity values occurred earlier than in the control animals.
The experimental animals recovered haemolymphocytopoiesis
after one month while control group normalized haemopoietic
function after two months. In vitro colony-forming ability
human haemopoietic stem cells are increased in 30 per cent
by the addition specific CD34+ immune globulin in counditioned
medium. Our preliminary date suggest that rabbit anti-human
mesenchymal stem cells immune globulin can stimulate the
differentiation of mesenchymal cells in osteoblasts and
endotheliocytis the cells that form haemopoietic niche.


E Selivanov,

Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg

Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg

V Rugal

Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg

Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, Saint-Petersburg


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