Artificial chromosomes for gene therapy and tissue replacement



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For more than 20 years artificial chromosomes (ACs) are considered as a promising alternative to other vector systems, such as viral and transgene. Acs have almost unlimited capacity and can be stably maintained as separate chromosomes, thus, do not carry the risk of insertional mutagenesis. However, until recently, Acs have not widely spread due to the uncertainty of their composition and lack of. The situation has changed recently, when the method of de novo construction of ACs, based on defined DNA sequences, was suggested. The review is focused on the most advanced types of ACs and their perspectives in tissue replacement and gene therapy of human diseases.

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Искусственные хромосомы для генотерапии и тканезамещения

Sobre autores

M. Likovykh

Institute of Cytology of RAS, Saint-Petersburg

N. Kouprina

National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA

V. Larionov

National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA

A. Tomilin

Institute of Cytology of RAS, Saint-Petersburg


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