Replacement of the anterior-lateral wall of the maxillary sinus with allografts



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The aim of the work was a comparative experimental and clinical study of efficacy of the bone and cartilage allografts in restoration of defects in the anterior-lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. Experimental studies were performed on rabbits Chinchilla. After modeling the defect of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus the grafting was performed with cartilage allografts in the first experimental group (n = 12), in the second group (n = 12) - bone allograft was used as a biomaterial. In the clinical part of the study we evaluated the effectiveness of treatment in patients after maxillotomy with the reconstruction of the anterior-lateral wall with the cartilage (n = 21) or bone (n = 24) allografts. We found that both types of allografts induced reparative osteogenesis in the field of bone defect. Some features in regeneration process depending on the type of biomaterial were shown. Clinical studies demonstrated the efficacy of the cartilage and the bone allografts in replacement of the anterior-lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. In all cases a positive clinical outcome, the integrity of the anterior-lateral wall of the sinus, was achieved. Both allografts were replaced by lamellar bone tissue and that's why could be considered as an alternative of autogenous bone transplants in such operations. In patients with dolichocephalic skull and deep canine fossa it is appropriate to use the cartilage allografts characterized by higher elastic properties.

Sobre autores

D. Shcherbakov

Russian eye and plastic surgery center, Ufa, Russia

A. Lebedeva

Russian eye and plastic surgery center, Ufa, Russia

A. Karimova

Russian eye and plastic surgery center, Ufa, Russia


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