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Improving the human genome editing tools, scientists and medical practitioners are faced with the problem of deontological nature. The results of genetic research and experiments receive ambiguous ethical evaluation among representatives of scientific and medical community, the media and the public. Discusses issues of the moral component of intervention in human DNA. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the moral limits of genetic research and biotechnology. During the study, the dialectical method was used as a universal tool of cognition in combination with such general scientific and private scientific methods as formal-logical and systemic. In order to study public opinion on problem of moral conditionality of genetic science and biotechnology its own sociological research was conducted in the form of a survey of citizens. The study develops anthropological direction, which allows evaluating genetic science and innovative medical technologies from the position of natural freedom of individual. It is concluded that the scientific idea of modifying human genome in order to correct errors of nature meets the moral requirements. The set of people is indicated whose participation in genetic researches and experiments is not in a conflict to morality. The position of the Russian and foreign scientists on philosophical, ethical and legal problems of DNA editing in human cells is analyzed. A special attention is paid to the formation of the legal environment of innovative medicine.

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Sobre autores

A. Gerasimov

Saratov State Law Academy


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