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JOURNAL STRUCTURE ТЬіе journal includes several sections such as «Original Research», «Cells Тechnologies News», «Reviews», «Discussion and Тheoretical Background», «Stem cells business», «Information», «History». GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Submission: Contributions to any aspect the journal covers that meet the requirements are accepted for publication. Manuscripts must be sent to 119991 Moscow, Gubkina st. b. 3-2. Тєі. +7 (495) 646-80-76 in two copies and on disc, 1.5 line spaced with З-cm left, 1-cm right and 2,5-cm top/bottom margins. Besides, manuscripts except the original research may be submitted by e-mail All pages except the title page should be numbered (at the upper center). Manuscripts could be returned shelved to the authors unless they satisfy the General Instructions requirements. Materials published elsewhere or being under consideration by another journals will be rejected. Title page: ТЬіє title page should include the names of all the authors, a short running title, affiliations (names of department[s]/ laboratory[ies] and institutions] where the work was done), 5 to 10 key words. ТЬіє name, the highest academic degrees of the institution head should be provided within the brackets. ТЬіє original investigation reports must be proved by the head of the institution where the study is held. Abstract: A 250-word abstract should be provided for all articles. [ТЬіє editorial department will edit abstracts that are too long.] ТЬіє abstracts should include the aims of investigation, general procedures (selection of objects to be studied or laboratory animals, methods of investigation or analysis), results (specific findings and their statistic significance), and conclusion. Abstract will be translated into Russian by the publisher's editorial department. Text: ТЬіє text should be a Word-processed A4 format document in the 14-th ^mes New Roman font without hyphens. All pages should be numbered in the upper center. Complex formulae and citations should be signed on the margins by authors. Materials and methods of the investigation should be described in details, with the proper names of reagents used, their producers and country. In case reports, patients' names, history identifications especially in pictures or photographs should be omitted. In case of people participation in the clinical research, provide the information if they signed the informed consent as well as is there is the approval of the ethic committee and that of the scientific board of the institution where this investigation was performed. Manuscripts that do not provide this information will be rejected. In case of reports on experimental animals, indicate if the experiment was held according to the rules of keeping and handling experimental animals accepted in your institution, the national laws and the international regulations. Last page: ТЬіє last page should include the signatures of all the authors, their full names, the highest academic degrees and the corresponding author's complete mailing address, telephone/fax and e-mail. Illustrations: As illustrations original schemes, pictures, micrographics, diagrams are accepted for publication. All the pictures and diagrams should be provided as separate files in a tiff format with the primary resolution of 300 dpi and the linear width of not less than 7 cm. Legends are acceptable only on a printed copy or on picture copies. Diagrams should be grey-and-green. ТЬіє edition does not guarantee a high quality of reproduction of inappropriate illustration(s), and reserves the right not to reproduce an illustration(s) unless its quality meets the editorial requirements. REFERENCES Citation in text: All references should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers in square brackets in accordance with the list given in the end of the article. Reference list: Presentation of the references should be based on NLM formats in Index Medicus. ТЬіє author-date system of citation is not acceptable. TOles of journals should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus. ТЬіє list of Index Medicus - indexed journals could be obtained at NLM ( All authors should be listed; if there are five authors and more, only the first three should be listed, followed by «et al.». Authors bear total responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of all references and for correct text citation. SPECIFIC FORMATS Review articles: not more than 30 pages of typewritten text. Original research: not more than 15 pages of typewritten text. Historical material: nor more than 15 pages of typewritten text. EDITORIAL ASSESSMENT AND PROCESSING ТЬіє editorial department reserves the right to consult the authors about refinement, modifying or shortening manuscripts. All contributions to the journal could be peer reviewed by members of the Editorial Board or submitted to expert consultants at the discretion of the editorial department. Accepted materials are published free of charge. Manuscripts and facsimile copies are not returned to the authors. Having been published in «Genes & Cells» materials may be published at http://www.

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