Experimental treatment with allogeneic multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells pulmonary emphysema in rats



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The aim of the study was to asses morphologic and
morphometric lung tissue changes and peritoneal macrophages
activity (MA) after allogeneic multipotent mesenchymal
stromal cells (MMSC) systemic transplantation in acute
elastase model of pulmonary emphysema(PE) in rats.
Methods. Forty 3-months old Wistar rats were randomized
into 4 groups. Control group (1 group) was injected
intratracheally 0,4 ml of normal saline, other animals (2-4
groups) received one intratracheal injection of 20 units (U)
porcine pancreatic elastase in 0,4 ml of saline. Next day (3
group) and 7 day (4 group) rats were intravenously injected
2106 autologous MMSC in 0,5 ml of saline. 2 group was
used as emphysema control. Before euthanizing at the 21st
day rats were undergone peritoneal lavage with analysis of
hemi-luminescent macrophages activity in the obtained fluid.
Results. The lungs of 2-4 groups had various degrees
of PE. The imean linear intercept in group 2 experimental
emphysema increased by 231% versus the control group. The
transplantation of MSCs in a day after elastase decreased
mean linear intercept by an average of 50.3% compared to the
control of experimental emphysema. In animals MMSC injected
at the 7 th day of study, this sizes decreased more greater -
by 64,5%, but was higher by 40.7% compared to the first
control group. Another quantitative measure of PE alveolar
index was significantly increased by 149% in group 2.
The transplantation of MMSC at 1-st and 7-th day of experiment
leaded to alveolar index decreasing, respectively on 163.4
and 237% . The peak Index of hemi-luminescent macrophages
activity (Mv/106 cells) has made 28,8+1,1 (1 group),
57,3+1,3 (2 group), 35,8+1,6 (3 group), 31,9+1,9
(4 group).
Conclusions. Our study confirmed the possibility of
regenerative lung tissue effect of autologous MMSC
intravenous injected in experimental rat models of PE


A Averyanov

Federal Research Clinical Center of tne specialized types of health care and medical technologies FMBA of Russia, Moscow

Federal Research Clinical Center of tne specialized types of health care and medical technologies FMBA of Russia, Moscow

A Konoplyannikov

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

A Chernyaev

Pulmonology Research Institute, Moscow

Pulmonology Research Institute, Moscow

V Petrov

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

O Konoplyannikova

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

E Agaeva

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

A Zib,

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk

A Bruhovetsky

JSC «Neurovita», Moscow

JSC «Neurovita», Moscow

N Kulagina

Federal Research Clinical Center of tne specialized types of health care and medical technologies FMBA of Russia, Moscow

Federal Research Clinical Center of tne specialized types of health care and medical technologies FMBA of Russia, Moscow

A Trusov

Pulmonology Research Institute, Moscow

Pulmonology Research Institute, Moscow

O Kuzovlev

Federal Research Clinical Center of tne specialized types of health care and medical technologies FMBA of Russia, Moscow

Federal Research Clinical Center of tne specialized types of health care and medical technologies FMBA of Russia, Moscow


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