Search of an optimum variant of cell therapy of a critical limbs ischemia in experiment



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The search of new way of cell injection that can provide
maximal angiogenesis in ischemic limbs is urgent aim of
investigation for the right way of cell delivery other things
being equal is the main request for cell therapy efficiency.
On experimental model of critical ischemia (by angiographic
method and evaluation of capillary density on histological
sections) it was shown that cell therapy independently from
the way of cell injection (intramuscularly, intra-arterialy and
combined) induces angiogenesis, the rate and intensity of
which depend on the way of cell delivery. The optimum variant
of cell therapy of critical ischemia is combined (intramusculararterial)
method of cell injection, uniting the advantages of
intramuscular and intra-arterial ways.


O Maslyanyuk,

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

V Alexandrov,

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

V Chirsky,

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

A Kriventsov,

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

A Maximov,

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

V Rumakin,

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

L Kalyuzhnaya

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education «S. M.Kirov Military Medical academy»of the RF Ministry of Defense, Saint Petersburg


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