Tissue morphogenesis features of the laboratory rats cervix a day before and in labor




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The series of the morphological changes allowing providing timely disclosure of the cervical channel for a free foetus expulsion from the uterus cavity are observed in cervix a day before and during labour. The processes of morphogenesis in the cervix during delivery, with all realised functioning mechanisms in this organ, is essential for the development of the most effective methods of patrimonial process management. Therefore, the purpose of our research was studying of structural transformations in cervix a day before and in labour. We used the laboratory rat as a biological model. We applied several histological methods: light microscopy (stained with hematoxilin and eosin, by Masson), immunohistochemistry with a set of antibodies to type III collagen, and an electron transmission microscopy. We established that the basic supporting protein in the cervix is collagen III type; this type defines its mechanical features and leads key role in morphogenesis processes. The particular role in the cervix during parturition assigned to the type III collagen, which probably promotes to preserve cervix structures during parturition and prevents the emergence of disruptures. Intercellular substance components secretion, including collagen, is carried out by clasmacytosis in cervix leyomyocytes.




Y. Grigoryeva

Samara State Medical University

G. Suvorova

Samara State Medical University

S. Iukhimets

St. Joseph University in Tanzania

O. Pavlova

Medical University “Reaviz'

A. Devyatkin

N.E. Bauman Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine

O. Tulayeva

Samara State Medical University

O. Kulakova

Samara State Medical University


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