Lekishvili Experimental and morphological study of the bone plastic materials for surgical treatment of ENT pathology



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To study the possibility of application different materials during plastic surgery of the middle ear structures with background of purulent infection experimental model with cranial bone defects replacement was utilized. As the object of the experiment 17 rabbits «Chinchilla» were used. All animals underwent surgery with formation of artificial defects in parietal bones (diameter of 7 mm) followed by simultaneous grafting. Following the implantation of plastic materials animals underwent standard antibacterial and local anti-inflammatory therapy For the plastic of parietal bone defects at rabbits were used and studied: autologous plates from the parietal bone and the iliac crest, auricle's autologous cartilage plates, demineralized bone implants (DBI), derived with technology of producing osteoplastic material «Perfoost» (CITO) from cortical long bones, rabbit's auricle autologous cartilage preserved in 0. 2% thymol solution, synthetic plastic material, comprising a hydroxyapatite and antibiotic - “Collapan-D” and osteoplastic composite material obtained by adhesion of the autologous chips from iliac crest and the parietal bone of rabbits with fibrin bond “Byo-Glu”. Timing of the experiment consisted of 15 and 30 days, 3 and 6 months By 3 months of the experiment organotypical callus were obtained in cases of application pure autologous tissues (plates from rabbit's parietal and the iliac crest and, as well, as auricle's autologous cartilage plates) Similar results were obtained in the cases with DBI “Perfoost” and allogenic rabbit's auricle cartilage preserved in 0. 2% thymol solution. In the defects filled with “Collapan-D” and combined osteoplastic material with fibrin glue «Byo-Glu» at 6 months of the experiment most part of the material was resorbed and partially replaced by newly formed bone alternating with areas of connective tissue and remnants of implants




Sh. Ahmedov

Federal Research and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology, FMBA of Russia

L. Musina

The Russian Center of Eye and Plastic surgery

E. Kocharyan

B.V. Petrovsky Russian Research Center of Surgery of RAMS

A. Ryabov

Dental Center “Interdentos”

M. Lekishvili

N.N. Priorova Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics; “Biomedical“ Ltd

Email: leki@mail ru


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