Effect of cryopreserved nucleated cord blood cells on homeostasis state in animals of different age groups under stress-induced arterial hypertension



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Arterial hypertension (AH) might be entirely referred to the socially important pathologies by its prevalence, impact on quality of life and contribution to mortality rate. Nowadays there is accumulated a great number of data testifying to a positive therapeutic effect of cord blood-derived preparations on both different organs and systems, and the whole body as well. This research was aimed to study the dynamics of changes in the indices of heart rate variability (HRV) spectral analysis and lipid homeostasis in blood serum of animals from different age groups under neurogenic stress-induced AH prior to and after administering cryopreserved preparation of cord blood nucleated cells (CB NCs). Neurogenic stress-induced AH caused by emotional and painful stresses was established to be accompanied by a significant decrease in all the studied HRV parameters, as well as disorders in lipid composition of blood serum in rats irrespective of their age. There was observed a decreased activity of autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm, as well as the tendency to reduction of humoral and metabolic effects. Administration of CB NCs cryopreserved preparation was shown to result in an increased tonus of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of autonomic nervous system, as well as humoral link of regulation, that testified to the presence in experimental animals of developed balanced autonomic regulation. In addition the application of CB NCs preparation leveled the state of lipid profile indices, observed at the background of stress-induced AH, and the preparation itself had an antiatherogenic effect and might significantly improve blood rheology.




L. Babiychuk

1nstitute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the NAS of Ukraine

Kharkov, Ukraine

V. Babiychuk

1nstitute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the NAS of Ukraine

Kharkov, Ukraine

LA. Sirotenko

V.Ya. Danilevsky Institute for Endocrine Pathology of the NAS of Ukraine

Kharkov, Ukraine

N. Malova

V.Ya. Danilevsky Institute for Endocrine Pathology of the NAS of Ukraine

Kharkov, Ukraine

S. Koval

L.T. Malaya National Institute of Therapy of the NAS of Ukraine

Kharkov, Ukraine


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