Complement system d-inhibitor at newborns of intrauterine infection development risk group



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Complement system is considered as unspecific defence system of human organism, which starts to function just after born. The state of complement system at newborns including C1 inhibitor data is less studied. The paper is aimed to study functional activity and contents of C1 inhibitor in blood of newborn infants (taken on 3-5 day of life), their mothers and umbilical blood as well from group of the risk of development of mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections. Totally 105 blood samples taken from newborn infants and their mothers of risk group were analysed based on occasional selection approach. Ten healthy newborn infants without risk of intrautero infection development and their mothers were used as a control group. Complement C1 inhibitor functional activity and contents is studied by immune enzyme assay using ELISA. C1 inhibitor activity and blood contents at newborn infants from mothers of infection risk group is higher compare to newborn infants from healthy mothers. Infection agent induces C1 activity more than its content at mother blood, due to higher turnover of this protein. It is approved the increased C1 activity at newborn blood of control group (p = 0,009) and of mothers of risk group (р = 0,0009) compare to umbilical blood. The mothers' blood is characterized with very high level of C1 content and functional activity many times higher than normal values which is specific to the acute phase state of the organism during the born process. C1 content at umbilical cord blood is 4-fold less than at mothers blood which testifies an existence of blood-brain barrier for C1 inhibitor.




S. Zhdanova

S.V. Kurashov Kazan State Medical University

Z. Bikmullina

S.V. Kurashov Kazan State Medical University

L. Kozlov

G.N. Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

V. Bulatov

S.V. Kurashov Kazan State Medical University

N. Gora

G.N. Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

S. Andina

G.N. Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

R. Zhdanov

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University


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