The effect of low-intensity electromagnetic irradiation with a frequency of 1 GHz on the content of the components of the M/TOLL signaling pathway and NF-kB in mononuclear cells of whole blood


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Signaling pathway IL1/TOLL and the nuclear transcription factor NF-KB plays a key role in the protection against pathogenic microorganisms, therefore, the violation of their functional activity under the influence of the chemical and physical nature (reactive oxygen species, endo and exotoxins, etc.) may adversely affect the course of pathological process. However, despite its important role in ensuring the resistance of the organism to infections and sanogenesis, the value of IL1/TOLL-signaling pathway in bacterial infection, including post-clinical phase, was studied insufficiently. Also not fully characterized the impact of low-intensity radiation close in frequency to those used in radio standards GSM, on the content of immunocompetent cells, particularly peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) of the components of signaling pathways and nuclear transcription factor NF-KB.The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of microwave radiation with a frequency of 1 GHz into the contents in the MNCs of healthy individuals and of patients with community-acquired pneumonia, components of the IL-1/TOLL-signaling pathways and nuclear transcription factor NF-KB.ELISA evaluated the contents in the MNC component of the nuclear transcription factor NF-KB, P38 protein kinases, TAK1, TRIM25 proteins, GADD45A and Bcl-xl, as well as the production of IL-4, IL-12, RANTES, cathelicidin and MMP-12 after exposure to low-intensity electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 1 GHz on whole blood. Proved that subclinical phase in patients with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (cap) reduces the content in the OLS components of NF-KB, in particular, P50, P65, p52, RelB, IKKα, IKKβ, and the level of IκВα phosphorylation. On the contrary, the level of C-Rel and IKKγ in the MNC of patients with VP greater than healthy individuals. These changes are accompanied by reduced production of cytokines IL-4, IL-12, RANTES and cathelicidin. The study found that low-intensity radiation of 1 GHz stimulates the increase in the MNC content of P65, IKKa, TAK1, TRIM25, and also contributes to the increased production of IL-4, IL-12 and LL37. In addition, microwaves have a stimulating effect on phosphorylation of the terminal kinase MARK/SAPK-signaling pathway - P38, which is most pronounced at the convalescent EP. Thus, in the post-clinical stage of community-acquired pneumonia is the inhibition of the functional activity of the IL1/TOLL-signaling pathways and nuclear transcription factor NF-KB, which is manifested by reduced production of MNCs cytokines that regulate the adaptive immune response (IL-4, IL-12). Effect on the cells of whole blood by microwaves with frequency of 1GHz is associated with activation of NF-KB, contributing to the increased production of IL-4, IL-12 and cathelicidin with the increase in MNK proteins GADD45A and TRIM25, which ensures the normalization of nonspecific resistance and immunological reactivity in patients with pneumonia.

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Sobre autores

I. Terekhov

Tula State Medical University

V. Nikiforov

North-Western State Medical University n. a. I.I. Mechnikov

S. Bondar

Tula State Medical University

N. Bondar

Orel State University

A. Voevodin

S.K. Kirov Military Medical Academy


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