Restoration of Brickwork at the Cultural Heritage Sites of Orenburg




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Orenburg as the administrative center of the Orenburg region of Russia and the Orenburg region was formed in 1743. One of the few cities in the Russian Federation that has a protected historical center, Orenburg is one of the first places where the eclectic architectural style was born, which carries a mixture of architectural styles. The paper presents an analysis of archival records of the history of the construction of the city of Orenburg, the features of the city’s layout, including cultural heritage sites built of ceramic bricks. The features of the first buildings made of ceramic bricks, which formed the architectural style of the city and influenced the construction of brick buildings in the region, their history of modification and the methods used to restore the historical appearance of facades, are considered. The analysis of modern methods of restoration of brickwork has been carried out. The features of the materials used at such objects of cultural heritage of regional significance, built of ceramic bricks, are considered.




A. Odintsov

Orenburg State University


Graduate Student

俄罗斯联邦, 13, Avenue Pobedy, Orenburg, 460018

Y. Klimova

Orenburg State University


Senior Lecturer

俄罗斯联邦, 13, Avenue Pobedy, Orenburg, 460018


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2. Fig. 1. Jewish prayer house, 2012 (before the restoration of the facade)

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3. Fig. 2. The process of performing work on the restoration of brickwork

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4. Fig. 3. Jewish Prayer House after the restoration of the facade. 2020

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5. Fig. 4. Facade of the Jewish prayer house from the courtyard

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6. Fig. 5. Restored masonry of the facade of the Jewish prayer house from the courtyard side

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7. Fig. 6. “School 1st Higher Primary. Eclectic» before the restoration work. 2019

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8. Fig. 7. “School 1st Higher Primary. Eclectic» after restoration work. 2023

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