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Vol 3, No 3 (2008)

Cell technology

Transplantation of neurons derived from reprogrammed fibroblasts

Bozo I.Y.



В связи с тем, что стационарные клеточные популяции [нейроны, кардиомиоциты) не имеют камбиальных резервов для осуществления процессов репаративной регенерации, исследуется возможность лечения пациентов с патологией ЦНС или миокарда посредством клеточной терапии [1-4]. При этом основная проблема заключается в получении иммуносовместимых клеток, способных к дифференцировке в соответствующих направлениях. Перспективным решением является использование репрограммированных аутогенных клеток, сходных с эмбриональными стволовыми клетками [ЭСК) [5, 6].

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):6-7
pages 6-7 views

Renewal of the cellular composition of the bone marrow Trp53-/-/p161nk4a-/-/p19Arf-/- with hematopoietic progenitor cells

Grigoryan A.S.


Гемопоэтические стволовые клетки [ГСК) - резиденты костного мозга, дающие начало гемопоэтическим мультипотентным клеткам-предшественницам [1]. В отличие от ГСК, мультипотентные клетки-предшественницы не обладают способностью к длительному самообновлению популяции, и после определенного числа делений их пролиферация прекращается [2]. Молекулярные механизмы, отвечающие за этот процесс, ясны не до конца [3], однако известна система из четырех генов, которая регулирует самообновление ГСК и ограничивает пролиферацию их производных. Это, прежде всего, ген Bmi-1 [4, 5], необходимый для самообновления популяции ГСК. Bmi-1 является негативным регулятором двух генов-репрессоров самообновления - Тrp53 и dkn2a, последний из которых имеет две альтернативные рамки считывания: p161nk4a, p19Arf и, соответственно, два белковых продукта со сходными функциями [6]. Эти гены функционируют не только в ГСК и клетках гемопоэтического ряда. Например, для нейрональных клеток-предшественниц с дефицитом экспрессии Bmi-1 было показано, что их активная пролиферация и самообновление частично восстанавливаются при искусственной супрессии p161nk4a-/- и p19Arf-/- [7].

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):7-9
pages 7-9 views

uPA and uPAR mediate stem cell tropism for malignancy

Bozo I.Y.


Детализация механизмов, контролирующих процессы миграции клеток-предшественниц в организме, является важной теоретической предпосылкой для успешного применения клеточных технологий в медицине. Установлено, что как мультипотентные мезенхимальные стромальные клетки [ММСК), так и гемопоэтические стволовые клетки [ГСК) находятся не в стационарном, а в постоянном динамическом состоянии - мигрируют между основным депо - костным мозгом - и периферическими тканями [1, 2]. В этой связи, управление механизмами хемотаксиса стволовых клеток и клеток-предшественниц может являться эффективным подходом для оптимизации лечения пациентов с различными дегенеративно-дистрофическими заболеваниями, травматическими повреждениями и новообразованиями.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):9-11
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Clinical researches

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Surfaces markers of human bone marrow multipotent mesecnhymal stromal cells

Pulin A.A., Saburina I.N., Repin V.S.


There are a lot of research projects ongoing, devoted to identification of human bone marrow derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) unique surface epitopes. However there are no defined antigens or their combination that would specifically characterize MMSCs. Each research group uses its own panel of antibodies to identificate and isolate these cells. Herein we review mostly described and widely used specific markers of MMSCs.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Original Study Articles

Cultivation properties of human embryonic stem cells in the absence of serum and feeder layer

Philonenko E.S., Kamnev A.N., Zautorov V.G., Shutova M.V., Tskhovrebova L.V., Bogomazova A.N., Kiselev S.L., Lagarkova M.A.


Cultivation conditions for five human embryonic stem cell lines (hESM01, hESM02, hESM03, hESM04, HES-9) were switched from serum replacement containing medium with mouse embryonic fibroblasts as a feeder to two commercialy available media (mTESR1 by StemCell Technologies, Canada and StemPro by lnvitrogen, USA). Cell lines were maintained in these media for more than 20 passages. Matrigel (BD Biosciences, USA) was used as a substrate. hESCs cultivated in defined media and without animal derived components retain their pluripotency and differentiation ability. Changes in morphology of feeder-free hESC colonies were observed. Feeder-free hESC cultivation gives possibility to get larger amount of cells due to increase of proliferative activity.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):31-33
pages 31-33 views

Biosafety Preclinical Trials of Xenogenic, Allogeniec and Autologous Progenitor Cells from Fat Tissue

Melikhova V.S., Saburina I.N., Orlov A.A., Repin V.D., Novikova N.I., Murashev A.N.


Due to wide spread of new methods of regenerative medicine on basis of stem cells it has become increasingly necessary to establish standards of techniques using them. Preclinical trial of a new technology after receiving preliminary experiment results is a primary stage of its adoption. We carried out the experiments to assess biosafety of autogenous, allergenic and xenogeneic cultures of human and rat cells in models under standard preclinical experiments conditions used in a presentday pharmacological practice.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):43-46
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Using autologous multipotent mesenchymal stromal bone marrow cells for recovering the thymus and spleen morphofunctional conditions, immune status and for regeneration of lengthy unclosing gastric ulcers

Askarov M.В., Onischenko N.A., Makarova О.V.


ln this article it was eхamined the application of autologous multipotent mesenchymal stromal bone marrow cells (MMSC ВM) for influence the thymus and spleen morphofunctional conditions, immune status and the regeneration of lengthy unclosing gastric ulceres. lt was shown that MMSC promoted the restoration cytokine dysЬalance, the thymus and spleen morphofunctional conditions and acceleration of gastric ulcers regeneration.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):36-42
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Extraocular muscles of mdx-mice as a target for cellular therapy: the histological characteristic with use computer morphometrical analysis

Avetisov S.E., Pavliuk A.S., Stenina M.A., Fedorov A.A., Krivov L.P., Nikolaenko D.S., Baranov P.Y., Subbot A.M., Tuhvatulin A.I.


Using computer-assisted morphometrycal analysis we show degeneration and regeneration processes in mdx-mouse extraocular muscles. We¢ve also selected statistical criteria for assessment of degeneration rate. Тhus we suggest to use mdx-mouse extraocular muscles as experimental bioilogical model of myodegenerative processes in human extraocular muscles in search, development and effectiveness assessment of different ways of treatment, among them cell-based and gene therapy.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):47-50
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Clinical experience

Cellular technologies in system of the intensive care of traumatic comas

Parljuk О.V., Seledtsov V.I., Rabinovich S.S., Seledtsova G.V., Astrakov S.V., Jarohno V.I., Kozlov V.A.


The purpose of the present research is a studying of an opportunity to use cellular technologies in treatment of patients with traumatic comas. Cellular therapy was applied at 38 patients with a serious brain injury. All of them were at entering in clinic in coma I-III of a degree and had attributes of a vegetative condition formation on a background of stable vital functions. Suspension of unripe nervous and hemopoietic cells entered into a subarachnoid space through a spinal puncture. The control group consists of 38 patients and was comparable to group of research. Оutcomes of treatment were appreciated on Karnoffsky scale, Barthel ADL index and also on a scale of outcomes of Glasgow. Favorable (good and satisfactory) outcome of disease was marked at 33 (86,8 %) patients, receiving cellular therapy, and at 15 (39,5%) patients of control group. Good outcomes in control group were not. According to observation 1,5 years, the life quality of patients, receiving cellular therapy, authentically surpassed a similar control parameter. Complications of this method in the nearest and remote period were not registered. Received data specify possible expediency application of cellular therapy at patients with comas in the acute period of a serious brain injury.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Results of randomized double blind placebo-controlled research of treatment efficiencу for patients with lower limb arteriosclerosis obliterans bу autologous transplantation of bone marrow progenitor cells

Korymasov Е.А., Tyumina О.V., Kazantsev А.V., Rossiev V.A., Аyupov А.M., Micheev G.V., Volchkov S.E., Toropovskiy А.N.


Results of randomized, double blind, placebo controlled research of bone marrow autologous progenitor cells application at 42 patients with limb obliterating atherosclerosis are presented. Leukocyte fraction was received from bone marrow and CО133+ cells were isolated by magnetic separation. Patients were distributed in 3 equal groups: in the 1st group autologous progenitor CО133+ cells, in the 2nd leukocyte fraction of bone marrow (TNC) were injected; patients in the 3rd group (placebo) received saline. Received preparation was injected into shin muscles. Аn estimation of clinical outcomes on scale J. Rutherford et al. (1997) has shown that in the 1st and 2nd groups of the patients who have received a cellular material, statistically significant improvement of a clinical condition in comparison with placebo group (p<0,005, Mann-Whitney) is observed. The offered method of treatment is safe and effective at patients with a limb obliterating atherosclerosis. It is necessary to carry out multicenter clinical trials and to adopt new method in clinical practice.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Stem Cells Business

Personal banking of umbilical cord blood stem cells in Russia and Ukraine: comparative analysis of opinion of target audience

Isaev А.А., Samokhina I.А., Potapov I.V., Deev R.V., Kushniruk N.S., Makarenko G.I.


The article deals with the comparative analysis of the present day market of personal banking of umbilical cord blood in Moscow and Kiev. The analysis is based on the results of marketing studies carried out in these cities at the same period of time using the same survey design and armchair research.

Genes & Cells. 2008;3(3):65-68
pages 65-68 views

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