Can Perisinusoids! Cells Be Regional Stem (Progenitor) Cells of the Liver?

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Regenerative medicine is one of quickly developing and promising areas of medicine in which there is essentially new approach to restoration of damaged organs by stimulation and Cor) use of stem (progenitor) cells for acceleration of regeneration. To realize this approach, it is necessary to know: what are stem cells? What are regional stem cells? What are their phenotype and potencies? Stem cells are already identified for a number of organs and tissues (epidermis, skeletal muscle) and their niche is determined. However liver, the organ whose regenerative abilities are known since antique times, has not opened its main secret yet - the secret of a regional stem cell. In this review on the basis of our own and literature data we discuss our hypothesis that perisinusoidal stellate liver cells can be liver stem cells.

About the authors

A A Gumerova

The Department of Normal Human Anatomy, the Kazan State Medical University

The Department of Normal Human Anatomy, the Kazan State Medical University

A P Kiyasov

The Department of Normal Human Anatomy, the Kazan State Medical University

The Department of Normal Human Anatomy, the Kazan State Medical University


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