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Vol 6, No 3 (2011)



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В связи с тем, что настоящий выпуск жур- нала посвящен перспективному направлению фундаментальной и клинической ангиологии - терапевтическому ангиогенезу, редакция обра- тилась к практикующим хирургам со следующи- ми вопросами: «Удовлетворены ли Вы как врач- клиницист имеющимся арсеналом хирургических и фармацевтических средств лечения поражений сосудов нижних конечностей? Какие пути до- стижения прогресса в этой области - продления жизни пациентов, уменьшения инвалидизации, повышения качества жизни Вы видите и како- во среди них место методов «терапевтического ангиогенеза»?
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):7-12
pages 7-12 views

Interv'yu s Prezidentom Rossiyskogo obshchestvaangiologov i sosudistykh khirurgovakademikom RAMN professoromAnatoliem Vladimirovichem Pokrovskim

Deev R.V.


Глубокоуважаемый Анатолий Владимиро- вич! Основную аудиторию нашего журнала со- ставляют клеточные биологи, гистологи, био- технологи и др. Для них многие клинические дисциплины, в том числе и сосудистая хирургия, остаются terra incognita. Но наш спецвыпуск по- священ проблемам терапевтического ангиогене- за, биотехнологическим способам воздействия на восстановление сосудистой сети. Скажите, пожалуйста, как развивалась ангиология и сосудистая хирургия, какие проблемы здравоохране- ния решаются Вами, есть ли в практике ангиолога место генным и клеточным техно- логиям?
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):13-14
pages 13-14 views

Cell-based therapy for peripheral arterial diseases

Shoykhet, Y.N., Khorev N.G.


The number of peripheral artery disease remains in the world. Search for new methods of treatment is to improve the condition of the distal blood stream, reduce peripheral resistance and stimulating capillary network. One possible solution to this problem is to use cellular technologies stimulate angiogenesis. A new promising treatments is autologous cell therapy using BMMNC or PBMNC. This overview focuses on the exploration of autologous cell therapy in treating diseases of the peripheral arteries.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):15-23
pages 15-23 views

Some possible molecular mechanisms of VEGF encoding plasmids functioning

Grigorian, A.S., Schevchenko K.G.


Gene therapeutic approaches to the restoration of the ischemic tissue perfusion are considered very promising, but to this time the molecular mechanisms which allow the therapeutic gene encoding plasmid to transfect the target cell and underlie the positive clinical effects remain unknown. In this review the possible molecular mechanisms of the angiogenic factor VEGF encoding plasmid penetration into the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the target cell are discussed, and also the methods for better transfection and the gene of interest expression are proposed.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):24-28
pages 24-28 views

Transfer of recombinant nucleic acids into cells (transfection) by means of histones and other nuclear proteins

Solovieva V.V., Kudryashova N.V., Rizvanov A.A.


Currently a protein/peptide-mediated gene delivery has been considered a promising approach in non-viral gene transfer. The previous investigations have shown that histones and other nuclear proteins might be effective vectors for gene transfer into cells. Transfection of eukaryotic cells by nucleic acid and histone complexes (histonefection) effectively occurs with various histone proteins. The presence of DNA-binding domains and specific signal sequences of nuclear location allows to use histones (Н1/Н5, Н2А, Н2В, Н3, Н4) and other nuclear proteins (such as HMG family proteins and histonelike prokaryotic proteins) for recombinant genes transfer. The positive charge of histone protein molecules enables electrostatic interaction with negatively charged molecules of nucleic acids and charge neutralization that facilitates the complexes penetration through a negatively charged cell membrane. Thus, histonefection is a promising method for non-viral transfer of recombinant nucleic acids in gene therapy.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):29-40
pages 29-40 views

Search of an optimum variant of cell therapy of a critical limbs ischemia in experiment

Maslyanyuk, O.V., Alexandrov, V.N., Chirsky, V.S., Kriventsov, A.V., Maximov, A.G., Rumakin, V.P., Kalyuzhnaya L.I.


The search of new way of cell injection that can provide maximal angiogenesis in ischemic limbs is urgent aim of investigation for the right way of cell delivery other things being equal is the main request for cell therapy efficiency. On experimental model of critical ischemia (by angiographic method and evaluation of capillary density on histological sections) it was shown that cell therapy independently from the way of cell injection (intramuscularly, intra-arterialy and combined) induces angiogenesis, the rate and intensity of which depend on the way of cell delivery. The optimum variant of cell therapy of critical ischemia is combined (intramusculararterial) method of cell injection, uniting the advantages of intramuscular and intra-arterial ways.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):41-45
pages 41-45 views

Age effects on angiogenic properties of adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells

Efimenko, A.Y., Starostina, E.E., Kalinina, N.I., Parfyenova E.V.


Мезенхимальные стволовые клетки жировой ткани (МСК-ЖТ) способны стимулировать ангиогенез посред- ством продукции факторов роста и стабилизации растущих сосудов. МСК-ЖТ являются перспективным материалом для аутологичной клеточной терапии. Однако с возрас- том пациентов активность их МСК-ЖТ, а, следовательно, и эффективность клеточной терапии могут снижаться. Целью нашей работы было оценить ангиогенные свойства МСК-ЖТ при старении. Материал и методы. МСК-ЖТ были выделены из под- кожной жировой ткани мышей линии BalB/с возраста 1-2, 12, 18 и 24 мес., а также 12 доноров трех возрастных групп (12 (5; 12) лет, 45 (41; 45) лет и 65 (59; 76) лет). МСК-ЖТ 2-го пассажа помещали на 48 ч в условия 1% или 20% содержания кислорода. Оценивали способность клеток стимулировать ангиогенез in vitro и in vivo. Результаты. Способность МСК-ЖТ мышей стимулиро- вать формирование капилляроподобных структур in vitro и васкуляризацию подкожных имплантатов Матригеля in vivo с возрастом снижалась в среднем на 60%. Содержание мРНК сосудистого эндотелиального фактора роста (VEGF) и плацентарного фактора роста (PlGF) в этих клетках сни- жалось, а фактора роста гепатоцитов (HGF) и компонентов системы внеклеточного протеолиза (рецептор к урокиназе, металлопротеиназы 2 и 9 типов, ингибитор активатора плазминогена-1) - возрастало с возрастом животных. Сти- муляция экспрессии VEGF, PlGF и HGF в условиях гипоксии была выражена слабее в случае МСК-ЖТ старых живот- ных. Экспрессия PlGF и ангиопоэтина-1, а также секреция VEGF и HGF МСК-ЖТ человека отрицательно коррелирова- ли с возрастом донора. Таким образом, при старении способность МСК-ЖТ сти- мулировать ангиогенез снижается в результате подавления экспрессии ключевых ангиогенных факторов.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):48-57
pages 48-57 views

Using autologous bone marrow cells to improve myocardial perfusion in surgical treatmentof patients with valvular defect heart

Davydenko, V.V., Gricenko V.V., Afanasiev, B.V., Matyukov, A.A., Mayorov, N.V., Lapekin, S.V., Roshchupkin C.C.


The paper presents the results of a pilot clinical study of the use of injection intramiokardial mononuclear fraction of cells autologous bone marrow as an additional procedure to the standard surgical treatment in 10 patients of heart valve defects in order to assess opportunities to improve blood flow in areas of severe hypoperfusion and myocardial scarring. In terms of monitoring of patients to 72 months after cell transplantation demonstrated the safety of this treatment, the improvement of regional perfusion and myocardial contractility in the areas of injection autologous mononuclear fraction of bone marrow cells.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):60-66
pages 60-66 views

Stimulation of rats sciatic nerve post-traumatic regeneration using plasmids expressing vascular endothelialgrowth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor

Masgutov R.F., Salafutdinov I.I., Bogov A.A., Trofimova A.A., Khannanova I.G., Mullin R.I., Islamov R.R., Chelyshev Y.A., Bogov A.A., Rizvanov A.A.


The development of effective treatments for patients with peripheral nerve injury is an urgent task of biomedicine. «Gold» standard in restoring the integrity of nerve conduits is auto-nerve transplantation in which a peripheral nerve defect is corrected with autologous nerve graft. Here we propose a method for stimulating revascularization and regeneration of auto-nerve graft by a local injection of plasmid pBud-VEGFFGF2, expressing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2). It is shown that direct injection of plasmid pBud-VEGF-FGF2 in the proximal and distal segments of nerve, as well as in the auto-nerve graft, stimulates the regeneration of the rats sciatic nerve and restores motor activity.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):67-70
pages 67-70 views

Effect of G-CSF on proangiogenic properties mobilized peripheral blood cells in patients with chronic heart failure

Konenkov V.I., Poveshchenko O.V., Kim I.I., Pokushalov E.A., Romanov A.B., Guleva N.A., Bernvald V.V., Shevchenko A.V., Golovanova O.V., Yankyate E.V., Poveshchenko A.F., Karaskov A.M.


The aim is to study the phenotypic characteristics and cytokine-producing properties mobilized drug administration G-CSF from bone marrow mononuclear cells of peripheral blood of patients with heart failure, which developed after acute myocardial infarction, in connection with the efficiency of intramyocardial stem cell therapy. The study included 67 patients with CHD and III-IV functional class congestive heart failure (NYHA), receiving current standard therapy. Shown that the introduction of the drug G-CSF results in mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) from bone marrow into peripheral blood (CD34+/CD133+and CD34+/ KDR+populations). Intramyocardial cell injection resulted in improved perfusion at the injection site in 76% of patients. Patients who responded to improved perfusion, the number of CD34+CD133+PC in 3,2 times higher than in patients without effect or impairment. Mononuclear cells after administration of G-CSF in a 48 hour culture secrete cytokines, Epo, GM-CSF, TNF-ƒ, contribute to the improvement of myocardial perfusion. Peripheral blood is a readily available source of EPС, and mononuclear cells after mobilization are able to exert reparative effects on the ischemic myocardium.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Efficacy and safety of application «Neovasculgen» in the complex treatment patients with chronic lower limbischemia (IIb-III phase of clinical trials)

Shvalb P.G., Gavrilenko A.V., Kalinin R.E., Chervyakov Y.V., Voronov D.A., Staroverov I.N., Gryaznov S.V., Mzavanadze N.D., Nersesyan E.G., Kiselev S.L., Isaev A.A., Deev R.V.


The article deals with the results of a 6 month comparative follow-up of non-resectable patients with lower limb atherosclerosis having clinical symptoms as claudication (IIa-III stages according to the Fontaine- Pokrovsky classification) who received Neovasculgen as a part of conservative therapy. Neovasculgen, a gene therapy drug, is a plasmid construction with a vascular endothelial growth factor gene. 100 patients were enrolled into the study: 75 patients comprised the clinical group, while 25 ones being the controls. The patients underwent treatment in three clinical centers. The drug was injected intramuscular, maximally close to ischemia zones, twice in doses of 1.2 mg with the interval of 14 days. The following factors were controlled: pain free walking distance (PlWD), ankle-brachial index (ABI), transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen (TcPO2), linear blood flow rate (LBFR) in the involved segment, angiography; also the integral treatment result on the scale «success/failure», quality of life SF-36 questionnaire were assessed. The study duration was 6 months. PlWD was determined to increase by 110% that shows statistically significant difference versus the control (P=0.000).
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):76-83
pages 76-83 views

Complex therapy of patients with chronic lower limb ischemia by angiogenesis gene inductors:immediate and long-term results

Gavrilenko, A.V., Voronov, D.A., Bochkov N.P.


The controlled study results of using therapeutic angiogenesis in multimodality therapy of patients with chronic lower limb ischemia (CLLI) are presented. 134 patients (74 ones comprised the target group and 60 patients were the controls) with CLLI IIb-III stages according to the Fontaine- Pokrovsky classification were included into the study. Angiogenesis stimulation was used both as a separate treatment modality in combination with routine conservative therapy and as an adjuvant to reconstructive vascular surgery. It is proved that genetically engineered angiogenesis stimulators can be used in a multimodality therapy of patients with CLLI, demonstrating satisfactory tolerance and safety. Therapeutic angiogenesis technologies have been shown to be applied as an independent therapy and as in combination with reconstructive vascular surgery to improve a long-term outcome of the latter.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):84-88
pages 84-88 views

Efficacy of therapeutic angiogenesis in patients with chronic lower limb ischemia

Talitsky, K.A., Bulkina, O.S., Arefeva, T.I., Vorobyeva, O.N., Levitsky, I.V., Fedorovich, A.A., Makarevich, P.I., Parfyenova, E.V., Karpov Y.A.


Therapeutic angiogenesis is a promising treatment modality in patients with chronic lower limb ischemia, for whom revascularization is not indicated. A number of studies demonstrated satisfactory therapeutic effects of gene and cell-based therapy targeted to stimulate angiogenesis. At the same time the factors affecting the efficacy of angiogenesis stimulation in clinical settings are under-investigated. In the given study 30 patients, aged 49-78 years with chronic lower limb ischemia of atherosclerotic origin (Fontaine IIb-IV) were randomized into groups of gene therapy (GT) or the control group (C). Plasmid DNA containing an encoding part of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-165) gene was inserted into ischemic limb muscles of the GT patients. All the patients had sessions of treadmill training walking. Besides clinical findings, angiography, scintigraphy, transcutaneous oxymetry, laser Doppler examination, duplex ultrasonography, treadmill test were carried out to evaluate the invention efficacy. Also circulating progenitor cell count was assessed by flow cytometry, ELISA was used to evaluate angiogenic growth factors. In 3 months limb perfusion rate, painless walking distance, collateral circulation indices increased. In 50% of patients the therapeutic effect was assessed as moderate (Rutherford +2), in 30% as minimal (Rutherford +1), 20% of patients showed no dynamics. Clinical laboratory tests had no significant dynamics in the group of standard therapy. No serious complications were noted. In a correlation test the efficacy of angiogenic therapy was associated with a patent ileac segment, shorter smoking history and higher ankle-brachial index.
Genes & Cells. 2011;6(3):89-98
pages 89-98 views

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